Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 13 70 18.5

line true false branch
38 0 10 if (exists $options{'custom_file'}) { }
60 0 0 if (defined $set)
72 0 0 if ($self->{'init_done'})
77 0 0 unless ($self->api_test)
103 0 0 if ($resp->is_success)
135 0 0 unless ($noinit)
144 0 0 if (not $resp->is_success and $resp->code != 308)
147 0 0 if (--$RETRIES >= 0) { }
175 4 0 unless $info->{'extra_headers'}
179 2 2 if ($info->{'body_parameters'})
182 2 0 unless ($info->{'multipart'} or $info->{'resumable'})
190 2 2 unless ($verb =~ /^( GET | DELETE )$/msx)
197 2 0 unless ($content or $info->{'multipart'})
203 0 4 if ($info->{'multipart'})
239 0 0 if ($res->is_error)
241 0 0 $should_return_res ? :
246 0 0 if $should_return_res
249 0 0 $res->code == 204 ? :
262 0 0 if ($post_data)
263 0 0 if (ref $post_data eq 'ARRAY') { }
270 0 0 if ($post_data)
285 0 0 if ($resp->is_error)
303 0 0 unless ($self->{'magic'})
317 0 1 unless (defined $data)
325 1 2 unless defined $next_item
327 0 2 if ($next_item->{'labels'}{'trashed'})
342 0 0 unless defined $opts
364 0 0 unless defined $file_id
380 0 0 unless -r $filename and $remaining
384 0 0 unless my $fh = "IO::File"->new($filename, "r")
392 0 0 unless ($fh->opened)
393 0 0 unless $fh = "IO::File"->new($filename, "r")
399 0 0 unless (my $read = $fh->read($buffer, $blksize))
400 0 0 if $! and $remaining
402 0 0 unless $fh->close