Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 69 7.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
391 0 0 ref $chunk eq "ARRAY" and scalar @$chunk

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
204 0 0 0 @args > 1 and not grep({$args[0] eq $_;} "GET", "POST", "PUT", "PATCH", "HEAD", "DELETE")
216 0 0 0 $self->has_login and $self->has_pass
236 0 0 0 $data and ref $data eq "HASH"
247 0 0 0 $request_method ne "GET" and $data
249 0 0 0 $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} and $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} > 1
274 0 0 0 $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} and $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} > 1
278 0 0 0 $res->header("Content-Type") and $res->header("Content-Type") =~ m[application/json]
293 0 0 0 not $res->is_success and ref $data eq "HASH"
0 0 0 not $res->is_success and ref $data eq "HASH" and exists $data->{'message'}
329 0 0 0 $page > $self->total_page and $page > 0
374 0 0 0 defined $method and $self->can($method)
535 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args
572 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args
592 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
270 0 0 $self->rate_limit_remaining || 0
0 0 $self->rate_limit || 60
488 110 98 $v->{'method'} || 'GET'
489 53 155 $v->{'args'} || 0
494 0 195 $v->{'v'} || $v->{'version'} || 1

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
171 0 0 0 $result_set->next_url || $result_set->url
232 0 0 0 $query_form{'per_page'} ||= $self->per_page
535 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1
572 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1
592 0 0 0 $is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1