Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 4 148 2.7

line true false branch
89 0 0 if ($self->is_main_module)
90 0 0 if ($self->is_repos_init)
93 0 0 if ($self->is_issue_init)
96 0 0 if ($self->is_pull_request_init)
99 0 0 if ($self->is_git_data_init)
112 0 0 if defined $v
163 0 0 unless ($result_set = $self->result_sets->{$url})
169 0 0 if ($cursor > $#$results)
170 0 0 if $result_set->done
173 0 0 ref $new_result eq 'ARRAY' ? :
178 0 0 if ($self->has_next_page) { }
204 0 0 if (@args == 1) { }
0 0 elsif (@args > 1 and not grep({$args[0] eq $_;} 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'HEAD', 'DELETE')) { }
216 0 0 if ($self->has_access_token) { }
0 0 elsif ($self->has_login and $self->has_pass) { }
221 0 0 if ($self->has_otp)
226 0 0 unless $url =~ /^https\:/
227 0 0 if ($request_method eq 'GET')
228 0 0 unless ($url =~ /per_page=\d/)
236 0 0 if ($data and ref $data eq 'HASH')
244 0 0 if $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'}
247 0 0 if ($request_method ne 'GET' and $data)
249 0 0 if $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} and $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} > 1
256 0 0 if $self->accept_version
269 0 0 if ($self->api_throttle)
270 0 0 if ($self->rate_limit_remaining || 0) < ($self->rate_limit || 60) / 2
274 0 0 if $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} and $ENV{'NG_DEBUG'} > 1
275 0 0 if $self->raw_response
276 0 0 if $self->raw_string
278 0 0 if ($res->header('Content-Type') and $res->header('Content-Type') =~ m[application/json]) { }
281 0 0 unless ($data)
284 0 0 unless $res->is_error
291 0 0 if ($self->RaiseError)
293 0 0 if (not $res->is_success and ref $data eq 'HASH' and exists $data->{'message'})
297 0 0 if (exists $data->{'errors'})
308 0 0 if ($res->header('link'))
314 0 0 if (wantarray)
315 0 0 if ref $data eq 'ARRAY'
316 0 0 if ref $data eq 'HASH'
325 0 0 unless (&looks_like_number($page))
329 0 0 if ($page > $self->total_page and $page > 0)
373 0 0 unless ref $self
374 0 0 unless defined $method and $self->can($method)
376 0 0 unless ref $callback eq 'CODE'
379 0 0 if (ref $args eq 'ARRAY') { }
0 0 elsif (ref $args eq 'HASH') { }
395 0 0 unless $continue
397 0 0 unless $continue
400 0 0 unless $self->has_next_page
418 0 0 if ($rel =~ /rel="(next|last|first|prev|deprecation|alternate)"/) { }
0 0 elsif ($rel =~ /rel="(.*?)"/) { }
430 0 0 if ($rel eq 'deprecation')
438 0 0 if ($rel eq 'last')
452 0 0 if ($cached_res) { }
456 0 0 if ($res->code == 304)
506 0 0 if ($version == 2) { }
508 0 0 if (ref $_[0]) { }
512 0 0 if (my $ref = ref $_qargs)
513 0 0 if $ref eq 'ARRAY'
514 0 0 if $ref eq 'HASH'
522 0 0 if ref $opts->{$k}
525 0 0 $args ? :
535 0 0 if ($is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args)
544 0 0 $args ? :
548 0 0 if $preview_version
550 0 0 if ($check_status) { }
555 0 0 index($res->header('Status'), $check_status) > -1 ? :
560 58 146 if ($paginate)
564 2 56 ref $paginate ? :
572 0 0 if ($is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args)
577 0 0 defined $_ ? :
581 0 0 if $preview_version
592 0 0 if ($is_u_repo || index($url, '/repos/%s/%s') > -1 and @_ < $n + $args)
601 0 0 if $preview_version