Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 34 0.0

line true false branch
44 0 0 if ($self->_has_last_transaction_id) { }
79 0 0 unless $res->code == 200
84 0 0 if (ref $res->data eq 'HASH' and exists $res->data->{'result'} and ref $res->data->{'result'} eq 'ARRAY' and scalar @{$res->data->{'result'}} == $number_of_expected_results and &all(sub {
89 0 0 if ($number_of_expected_results == 1) { }
92 0 0 if ($code != 0)
101 0 0 if (@failed_calls)
116 0 0 if defined $params and ref $params ne "ARRAY"
125 0 0 if $self->_has_sessionid
134 0 0 defined $params ? :
141 0 0 if defined $params and ref $params ne "HASH"
144 0 0 defined $params ? :
152 0 0 if (exists $rv->{'result'}[0]{'data'})
160 0 0 unless ref $params eq "ARRAY"
164 0 0 unless &any(sub {
168 0 0 if (exists $rv->{'result'})
176 0 0 unless $self->has_user and $self->has_passwd
192 0 0 if (&none(sub {