Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 9 16 56.2

line true false branch
49 2 2 if (exists $opts{'id'}) { }
2 0 elsif (exists $opts{'remote_id'}) { }
110 0 3 unless exists $opts{'remote_id'} and defined $opts{'remote_id'} or exists $opts{'id'} and defined $opts{'id'}
120 0 3 unless exists $opts{'id'} and defined $opts{'id'}
129 0 1 unless exists $opts{'id'} and defined $opts{'id'}
132 1 0 wantarray ? :
139 0 1 unless exists $opts{'id'} and defined $opts{'id'}
141 0 1 unless exists $opts{'merchant_customer_id'} and defined $opts{'merchant_customer_id'}