Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 5 848 0.5

line true false branch
90 0 4 defined $config{'row'} ? :
0 4 unless defined $config{'row'} ? $config{'row'}{$row} : undef or $row{$row}
4 0 unless $config{'row_all'}
132 0 0 wantarray ? :
153 0 0 if $errstr =~ /no such table:|unable to open database file/i
154 0 0 if $errstr =~ /syntax|unrecognized token/i or $errstr =~ /misuse of aggregate/
155 0 0 if $errstr =~ /database is locked/i
156 0 0 if $errstr =~ /no such column/i
168 0 0 unless $$self{'pragma'}
201 0 0 if $errstr eq $err
202 0 0 if $errstr =~ /FATAL:\s*database ".*?" does not exist/i
203 0 0 if $errstr =~ /FATAL:\s*terminating connection/i
204 0 0 if $errstr =~ /fatal/i
205 0 0 if $errstr =~ /syntax/i
206 0 0 if $errstr =~ /ERROR:\s*prepared statement ".*?" does not exist/i
207 0 0 if $errstr =~ /connect|Unknown message type: ''/i and not $errstr =~ /(?:column|relation) "/
208 0 0 if $errstr =~ /ERROR:\s*(?:relation \S+ does not exist)/i
210 0 0 if $errstr =~ /ERROR: database ".*?" is being accessed by other users/i
211 0 0 if $errstr =~ /(?:duplicate key violates unique constraint)|(?:duplicate key value violates unique constraint)|(?:ERROR:\s*(?:database ".*?" already exists)|(?:relation ".*?" already exists)|(?:invalid byte sequence for encoding)|(?:function .*? does not exist)|(?:null value in column .*? violates not-null constraint)|(?:Can't create database '.*?'; database exists))/i
221 0 0 if $$self{'use_fulltext'} and $$self{'old_fulltext'}
222 0 0 unless $$self{'set'}
265 0 0 if grep {$err eq $_;} @{$$self{'err_' . $errtype};}
302 0 0 if not $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} || $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}
306 0 0 if $ENV{'MOD_PERL'} or $ENV{'FCGI_ROLE'}
319 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}
323 0 0 if ($_ = join(' , ', map({"$rq$_$rq";} (sort {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'order'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'order'};} grep({$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'} eq $index;} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};})))))
330 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'} eq $index
334 0 0 if $stem and length $search_str_stem and $$self{'auto_accurate_on_slow'} and $search_str_stem =~ /\b\w{$$self{'auto_accurate_on_slow'}}\b/
339 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}
342 0 0 if $double and ($$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem)
344 0 0 $stem ? :
0 0 if ($$self{'sphinx'}) { }
346 0 0 $stem ? :
0 0 !$$self{'no_boolean'} && $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on' ? :
354 0 0 if $$self{'select_relevance'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'select_relevance'}
363 1 0 $^O =~ /^(?:(ms)?(dos|win(32|nt)?)|linux)/i ? :
1 0 !$ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
376 0 0 if $cmd ne 'log'
377 0 0 if $$self{'handler_bef'}{$cmd}
378 0 0 wantarray ? :
0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 defined $_[0] ? :
0 0 exists $$self{'dbh'}{$cmd} ? :
0 0 $$self{'dbh'}->can($cmd) ? :
0 0 !ref($$self{'dbh'}) ? :
0 0 exists $$self{$cmd} ? :
0 0 ref $$self{$cmd} eq 'CODE' ? :
389 0 0 if $$self{'handler'}{$cmd}
390 0 0 wantarray ? :
395 0 0 unless my $type = ref $self
405 0 0 unless $$self{'in_disconnect'}
414 0 0 if $$self{'sth'}
415 0 0 if $$self{'dbh'} and keys %{$$self{'dbh'};}
422 0 0 unless $$self{'dbh'} and $$self{'connected'}
458 0 0 if $$self{'error_collect'}
463 0 0 $^O eq 'cygwin' ? :
0 0 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
0 0 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
0 0 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
0 0 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
0 0 $ENV{'SERVER_PORT'} ? :
499 0 0 if $$self{'dbname'}
504 0 0 if $$self{'trace_level'} and $$self{'trace'}
513 0 0 unless $$self{'use_fulltext'}
521 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'} eq $index
524 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}
527 0 0 if $double and ($$self{'accurate'} xor not $stem)
528 0 0 $stem ? :
534 0 0 if $$self{'use_fulltext'}
546 0 0 if $$self{'old_fulltext'}
554 0 0 if $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql'
561 0 0 unless $$self{'dbi'}
599 0 0 $$self{'connect_cached'} ? :
617 0 0 if $$param{$from} eq 'on'
653 0 0 unless @_
654 0 0 if $_
656 0 0 unless $$self{'no_repair_flush'}
658 0 0 $$self{'rep_quick'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'rep_ext'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'rep_frm'} ? :
678 0 0 if $self->keep
681 0 0 unless $cmd
686 0 0 if $$self{'dbh'}
708 0 0 if $self->keep
710 0 0 unless $query
718 0 0 unless $$self{'dbh'}
719 0 0 if $$self{'sth'}
721 0 0 if $self->can_query and $self->err_parse(\$query, $DBI::err, $DBI::errstr, 1)
722 0 0 unless $$self{'sth'}
728 0 0 if $DBI::err
729 0 0 if ($$self{'dbirows'} = $DBI::rows) == 4294967294
730 0 0 if $$self{'no_dbirows'}
732 0 0 $$self{'no_dbirows'} && $ret ? :
737 0 0 if @_ and $self->prepare(@_)
739 0 0 if not $$self{'sth'} or $$self{'sth'}->err
743 0 0 if $$self{'codepage'} ne $$self{'cp_out'}
745 0 0 if (caller 2)[0] ne 'pssql'
758 0 0 unless $query
759 0 0 if $$self{'explain'} and $$self{'EXPLAIN'}
762 0 0 unless keys %$_
764 0 0 unless $$self{'sth'} and keys %$_
768 0 0 if ($$self{'codepage'} ne $$self{'cp_out'}) { }
783 0 0 if $$self{'no_dbirows'} or $$self{'dbirows'} <= 0
787 0 0 if ($$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8')
790 0 0 wantarray ? :
796 0 0 wantarray ? :
801 0 0 unless @hash and %{$hash[0];}
803 0 0 if keys %{$hash[0];}
805 0 0 wantarray ? :
810 0 0 if $$self{'no_quote_null'} and $s =~ /^null$/i
811 0 0 defined $s ? :
0 0 if $$self{'dbh'} and not $q
813 0 0 if ($$self{'quote_slash'}) { }
835 0 0 wantarray ? :
842 0 0 if $$self{'dbh'}
844 0 0 unless $$self{'dbh'}
845 0 0 if $errtype eq 'fatal'
864 0 0 if $work{'die'} or $$self{'die'} or $$self{'fatal'} or $$self{'error_tries'} and $$self{'errors'} > $$self{'error_tries'} or $$self{'error_chain_tries'} and $$self{'errors_chain'} > $$self{'error_chain_tries'}
877 0 0 if $sth and not $err || $$self{'sth'}
879 0 0 if not $err and $$self{'dbh'}
885 0 0 if $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'fatal', 'syntax', 'ignore'
887 0 0 if $$self{'error_sleep'}
889 0 0 if $errtype and grep {$errtype eq $_;} 'retry'
891 0 0 if ($errtype eq 'install_db' and $$self{'auto_install_db'}-- > 0)
896 0 0 unless $$self{'dbh'}
898 0 0 if ($errtype eq 'install' or $errtype eq 'upgrade')
899 0 0 if ($$self{'auto_install'}-- > 0) { }
910 0 0 if $errtype eq 'connection'
913 0 0 if ($$self{'auto_repair'} and $errtype eq 'repair')
915 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$repair}
0 0 unless %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$repair};}
916 0 0 if ($$self{'auto_repairs'}{$repair} < $$self{'auto_repairs_max'})
920 0 0 if ($sl == 0 or $$self{'force_repair'})
921 0 0 if $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} and !$repair || $$self{'auto_repair_selected'} && $$self{'table_param'}{$repair}{'no_auto_repair'}
933 0 0 unless $$self{'dbh'}
945 0 0 unless @_
946 0 0 if $$self{'use_drh'}
948 0 0 if ($$self{'use_drh'}) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i) { }
970 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}
975 0 0 unless $$self{'index in create table'}
983 0 0 if $tab =~ /^\W/
986 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'primary'}
989 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'fulltext'}
990 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'unique'} and $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /\D/
993 0 0 if ($$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and $$self{'use_fulltext'})
995 0 0 unless $fulltext{$_}
1001 0 0 unless $fulltext{$_}
1010 0 0 $$self{'old_fulltext'} ? :
1015 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i
1019 0 0 if $row =~ /^\W/
1022 0 0 unless (defined $length)
1025 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /char/i
1026 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'fulltext'}
1027 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'unique'}
1028 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'varchar'}
1029 0 0 unless @types
1036 0 0 if $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8' and $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
1049 0 0 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^smallint$/i
1050 0 0 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^int$/i
1051 0 0 if $type eq 'varchar' and $$table{$_}{'type'} =~ /^bigint$/i
1053 0 0 unless $$table{$_}{$type} eq $$table{$row}{$type}
1054 0 0 unless $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row
1058 0 0 unless $$table{$_}{'length'}
1068 0 0 if $$table{$_}{$type} and $_ ne $row and $$table{$_}{$type} eq $$table{$row}{$type}
1076 0 0 if $$table{$_}{'length_max'} and $$table{$_}{'length_max'} < $want
1086 0 0 if $same
1094 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'length_max'}
1095 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i
1097 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'type'} =~ /^varchar$/i and $$table{$row}{'primary'} and $$self{'codepage'} eq 'utf-8'
1131 0 0 $length ? :
0 0 $$table{$row}{'unsigned'} && $$self{'UNSIGNED'} ? :
0 0 $$table{$row}{'not null'} ? :
0 0 !$$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} ? :
0 0 $$table{$row}{'default'} eq 'NULL' ? :
0 0 defined $$table{$row}{'default'} && !$$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} ? :
0 0 $$table{$row}{'unique'} && $$table{$row}{'unique'} =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
0 0 $$table{$row}{'auto_increment'} && 1 ? :
1170 0 0 if @primary
1172 0 0 $$table{$row}{'index'} > 1 && $$table{$row}{'index'} < $$table{$row}{'length'} ? :
0 0 if $$table{$row}{'index'} and $$self{'index in create table'}
1207 0 0 if $$table{$row}{'primary'}
1210 0 0 $$self{'unique name'} ? :
1211 0 0 if ($$self{'index in create table'})
1228 0 0 $$self{'cp'} && $$self{'DEFAULT CHARACTER SET'} ? :
0 0 !@subq ? :
1246 0 0 if $row =~ /^\W/
1247 0 0 $$self{'index_name_table'} ? :
0 0 if $$table{$row}{'index'}
1272 0 0 if $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/
1282 0 0 unless @_
1283 0 0 if $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i and grep {$$self{'database'} eq $_;} @_
1284 0 0 if ($rec)
1288 0 0 if $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i
1294 0 0 if $tab =~ /^\W/ or not $tab =~ /\w/
1299 0 0 if ($rec)
1304 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}
0 0 unless @_
1332 0 0 if $table_insert and @_
1335 0 0 $table ? :
1340 0 0 if ($$self{'insert_block'}{$table}-- <= 1 or not scalar @_ or time - ($$self{'insert_buffer_time'}{$table} ||= time) > $$self{'insert_cached_time'})
1347 0 0 unless $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table_insert}
1381 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'array_insert'} and not $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'no_insert_update'}
1386 0 0 unless $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table}
1393 0 0 $$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} ? :
0 0 !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} ? :
0 0 if scalar @{[] unless $$self{'insert_buffer'}{$table};}
1415 0 0 if $$self{'stat_every'}
1451 0 0 if scalar @_ > 1
1462 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}
0 0 unless %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table};}
1468 0 0 if ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $values)
1470 0 0 if ref $$self{'handler_insert'} eq 'CODE'
1476 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'}
1477 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}
1480 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}
1484 0 0 if %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'primary'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'unique'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} ne 'serial'
1499 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}
1502 0 0 if $_ and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};}
0 0 @_ ? :
1508 0 0 if $set
1510 0 0 if $where eq 1
1511 0 0 if $where and $bywhere
1512 0 0 if $whereignore and $where || $bywhere
1515 0 0 if $set || $lwhere || !$$self{'ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE'} and $bywhere || $where || $whereignore
1526 0 0 unless $set and int $_ or $lwhere
1532 0 0 unless $$self{'driver'} =~ /pg/i
1544 0 0 unless $_[1]
1564 0 0 unless $hash
1582 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'insert_min'}
0 0 if grep {not $$hash{$_} if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'insert_min'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}
1594 0 0 if ref $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'} eq 'CODE' and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'filter'}($self, $hash)
1600 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} eq $$self{'char_type'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'length'}
1624 0 0 ++$chanded == 1 ? :
1628 0 0 if defined $$hash{$_} and length $$hash{$_} and keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_};}
1659 0 0 if ($$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'} and $search_str =~ m[^([^/|"]+[^\s/|"])\.([^/\."|]+)$]) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'table'}{$table}{'tiger'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*([A-Z0-9]{39})\s*$/i) { }
1672 0 0 unless $param_orig
1679 0 0 unless $config{'user_param_founded'}
1681 0 0 if $param_num and not $questions or ++$$self{'rec_stop'} > 20
1700 0 0 if ($config{'preset'}{$sets}{$preset})
1703 0 0 $$param{$_ . $param_num} ? :
1711 0 0 $$param{'glueg' . $param_num} eq 'or' ? :
1712 0 0 $$param{'gluel' . $param_num} eq 'or' ? :
1713 0 0 if $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'glueg' . $param_num} eq 'xor'
1714 0 0 if $$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $$param{'gluel' . $param_num} eq 'xor'
1715 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{'time'}
0 0 if (my($days) = $$param{'search_days' . $param_num} =~ /(\d+)/ and $1 and %{{} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{'time'};})
1717 0 0 $$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? :
1718 0 0 if ($$param{'search_days_mode' . $param_num} eq 'l') { }
1721 0 0 $$self{'sphinx'} ? :
1724 0 0 if (not $$self{'no_online'} and defined $$param{'online' . $param_num})
1725 0 0 if ($$param{'online' . $param_num} eq 'on')
1727 0 0 if ($$param{'online' . $param_num} > 0)
1733 0 0 if ($$self{'path_complete'} and $$param{'path' . $param_num} and not $$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ m[^[ !/\*]] and $$param{'path' . $param_num} ne 'EMPTY' and not !$$self{'no_regex'} && ($$param{'path' . $param_num} =~ /^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/i || $$param{'path_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i))
1749 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$b}{'weight'} <=> $$self{'table'}{$table}{$a}{'weight'}
1751 0 0 unless $$self{'nav_all'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_num_field'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'}
1765 0 0 if $$self{'no_index'} or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} or not $$param{$item . $param_num} =~ /\S/
1772 0 0 if $ask
1778 0 0 ref $config{$item} eq 'HASH' ? :
1780 0 0 if $pib eq ''
1782 0 0 if ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'no_split_space'} or not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pib =~ /\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*/ || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i) { }
1799 0 0 if ($pib =~ /($brstr)/) { }
1801 0 0 if ($num_cond++)
1803 0 0 if ($cond =~ /(and)|\&+/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'enable_xor_query'} and $cond =~ /(xor)/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($cond =~ /(or)|\|+|\s+|^$/i) { }
1809 0 0 if !$$self{'no_slow'} || $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'fast_not'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*[\!\-]\s*//g
1810 0 0 $group_not ? :
0 0 if $not
1812 0 0 if ($$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'name_to_base'}{$item}) { }
1817 0 0 $$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? :
1822 0 0 if (not $$self{'no_regex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*reg?e?x?p?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[r~]/i) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$self{'no_soundex'} and $pi =~ s/^\s*sou?n?d?e?x?:\s*//gi || $$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[s\@]/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($pi =~ /[*?]/) { }
0 0 elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /notnull/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /null/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[g>]/i) { }
0 0 elsif ($$param{$item . '_mode' . $param_num} =~ /[l<]/i) { }
1833 0 0 if $pi =~ s/_/\\_/g
1835 0 0 if $$self{'no_empty'} and !($pi =~ /\S/) || $pi =~ /^\s*[%_]+\s*$/
1842 0 0 $not ? :
1843 0 0 $not ? :
1847 0 0 if $item eq 'size'
1849 0 0 unless ($$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$item}{'nav_num_field'} and $pi =~ /^\d+$/)
1850 0 0 $pi ne 'EMPTY' ? :
1852 0 0 if $dequote_
1862 0 0 $num_cond > 1 ? :
0 0 $num_cond > 1 ? :
1872 0 0 if ($search_str =~ /\S/ or $search_str_add)
1873 0 0 unless ($$param{'page'} > 1 or $$param{'order'} or $$param{'no_querystat'})
1880 0 0 if $ask
1882 0 0 if $search_str =~ /\S+\*+\s*/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)(([+\-><~]+\()|\")[^"()]*\S+\s+\S+[^"()]*[\"\)]($|\s+)/ or $search_str =~ /(^|\s+)[\~\+\-\<\>]\S+/
1886 0 0 if $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} eq 'on' and not $search_str =~ /((^|\s)\W+\S)|\S\W+(\s|$)/ and $search_str =~ /\s/
1890 0 0 $search_str =~ s/^\s*\!\s*// ? :
1892 0 0 if (not $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and my(%tparam) = $self->q_file($table, $search_str)) { }
0 0 elsif (not $$self{'sphinx'} || $$self{'no_slow'} and $search_str =~ /^\s*\*+\S+/ and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'path'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'name'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{'ext'}) { }
1910 0 0 if ref $$self{'handler_search_str'} eq 'CODE'
1912 0 0 if grep {$$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'stem'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}
1914 0 0 if $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
1918 0 0 if (not $$param{'adv_query' . $param_num} and $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} || !grep({$$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sphinx'} unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'};} keys %{$$self{'table'}{$table};}) or not $$self{'match'}) { }
1931 0 0 !$$self{'no_slow'} && ($$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'like_bef'} || $$self{'like_bef'}) ? :
1935 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'q'} or $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'nav_field'}
1951 0 0 if $_
1961 0 0 if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $local_cond > 1)
1963 0 0 if $after and $ask
1976 0 0 $$param{'search_prev'} ? :
0 0 defined $param_num ? :
0 0 $ask ? :
1990 0 0 if ($$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'where_extra'})
1992 0 0 if length $where
1995 0 0 if $where
2005 0 0 if $$self{'query_count'}{$table}++ or $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
2009 0 0 if $$self{'page'} eq 'rnd'
2010 0 0 if $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'
2015 0 0 if (@ask)
2020 0 0 unless $$self{'allow_null_count'} or $where
2027 0 0 if $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'
2034 0 0 if $t
2044 0 0 if $where
2045 0 0 if $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'}
2072 0 0 unless $$idsh{$$r{'id'}}
2080 0 0 if scalar @$ret < $$_{'n'}
2096 0 0 if &psmisc::is_code($s)
2097 0 0 if (&psmisc::is_array_size($idst))
2104 0 0 if &psmisc::is_hash($s)
2106 0 0 if &psmisc::is_array_size($ids)
2109 0 0 if (&psmisc::is_hash($select)) { }
2114 0 0 if $s
2118 0 0 unless $r
2135 0 0 if &psmisc::is_code($$opt{'row'})
2144 0 0 if $select
2147 0 0 unless $r
2169 0 0 if $count >= $$self{'limit'}
2180 0 0 if (my(%tparam) = $self->q_file($table, $search_str))
2189 0 0 if $$self{'use_q_file_fallback'} and not $$self{'sphinx'}
2195 0 0 if ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'sphinx_dbi'} and length $$param{'q'} and $file_fallback || !$self->q_file($table, $$param{'q'}))
2202 0 0 if $config{'client_bot'}
2213 0 0 if (@$ids + @$idsl < $$self{'limit'})
2220 0 0 unless @$ids
2222 0 0 if $_[0] =~ s/^\s*"\s*//
2223 0 0 if (&$func($$param{'q'}))
2229 0 0 if $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}{'limit_minus'}
2235 0 0 if @$ids_add
2236 0 0 unless (@$ids_add)
2242 0 0 if @$ids + @$idsl >= $$self{'limit'}
2249 0 0 if (@$idsl)
2254 0 0 if @_
2258 0 0 if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}) { }
2265 0 0 if ($$r{'id'} >= $from)
2288 0 0 if @$ids
2295 0 0 unless ($select or $$self{'use_sphinx'} and $config{'client_bot'})
2296 0 0 unless ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and $$self{'no_sphinx_like'})
2300 0 0 if (not $$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'shard'}) { }
2308 0 0 if $count
2317 0 0 if $count >= $$self{'limit'}
2342 0 0 if ($$self{'use_sphinx'} and @$ids)
2374 0 0 wantarray ? :
2389 0 0 if $_
2400 0 0 if @_
2418 0 0 unless (@_)
2419 0 0 if $_
2437 0 0 unless @_
2451 0 0 if @_
2501 0 0 if $$self{'ignore_index'} or $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'}
2504 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sort_min'}
2506 0 0 if $$self{'no_slow'} and not $min_data
2509 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'sort'}
2519 0 0 $$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? :
0 0 $$param{$by . '_mode' . $ordern} ? :
2528 0 0 if (keys %order)
2545 0 0 if ($$self{'ignore_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index'} and not $$self{'no_index'} || $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'no_index'})
2551 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'fulltext'}
2552 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'index'}
2554 0 0 unless $$self{'ignore_index_fulltext'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'ignore_index_fulltext'}
2560 0 0 if ($table)
2561 0 0 if ($$self{'sphinx'} and $$self{'table_param'}{$table}{'stemmed_index'} and not $$param{'accurate'}) { }
2567 0 0 unless ($$self{'no_join'})
2568 0 0 if $from
2570 0 0 $table && !$$self{'no_column_prepend_table'} ? :
2576 0 0 if (defined $$self{'table'}{$table}{$$param{'distinct'}}) { }
2583 0 0 unless ($$self{'no_join'})
2588 0 0 unless $config{'client_bot'} or $config{'client_no_high_priority'}
2601 0 0 if ($$self{'OPTION'} and &psmisc::is_hash($$self{'option'}))
2610 0 0 unless $$self{'limit_offset'} or $$self{'limit'}
2612 0 0 $$self{'limit_offset'} && !$$self{'OFFSET'} ? :
0 0 $$self{'OFFSET'} && $$self{'limit_offset'} ? :
2622 0 0 if $work{'calc_count'}{$table}++
2628 0 0 if $$self{'founded'} < 0 or not $$self{'founded'}
2629 0 0 $$self{'founded'} % ($$self{'limit'} || 1) ? :
0 0 $$self{'limit'} > 0 ? :
2633 0 0 if $$self{'page'} eq 'rnd' and $$param{'count_f'} eq 'on'
2645 0 0 $$self{'page'} > 0 ? :
2647 0 0 if $$self{'limit_offset'}
2658 0 0 if $$self{'LOCK TABLES'}
2665 0 0 if $$self{'UNLOCK TABLES'}
2687 0 0 unless @_
2695 0 0 unless @_
2704 0 0 if $$self{'auto_check'}
2730 0 0 if $$self{'sphinx_dbi'}
2749 0 0 if $$self{'stem_version'} <= 1
2750 0 0 if ($$self{'stem_version'} == 2) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'stem_version'} == 3) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'stem_version'} == 4) { }
2759 0 0 if $_[1]
2779 0 0 if $_[1]
2800 0 0 if $_[1]
2822 0 0 unless ref $$self{'stem'} eq 'CODE'
2826 0 0 if $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'stem'}
2832 0 0 if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' and $$self{'driver'} eq 'pgpp') { }
2833 0 0 unless $$self{'table'}{$table}{$_}{'type'} eq 'serial'
2848 0 0 if $_[0]
2849 0 0 if $_[1] or $_[0]
2856 0 0 if $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
2867 0 0 if $$self{'driver'} eq 'mysql3' or not $$self{'driver'} =~ /mysql/
2877 0 0 unless @_
2878 0 0 if $_
2879 0 0 unless $$self{uc $action}
2882 0 0 $$self{'bulk_service'} ? :
2907 0 0 unless $$self{'retry_save'}
0 0 if %{{} unless $$self{'retry_save'};}
2912 0 0 unless $$self{'retry_save'}
0 0 unless %{{} unless $$self{'retry_save'};}
2919 0 0 if $_ and $$self{'SET NAMES'}