Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 202 0.0

line true false branch
21 0 0 unless ($name =~ /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/)
23 0 0 unless length $_ == 4
69 0 0 if ref $_[0]
70 0 0 if $$self{'socket'}
85 0 0 if ref $_[0]
90 0 0 if !keys(%{$$self{'NickList'};}) || $$self{'NickList'}{$nick}{'oper'} and $text eq 'You are already in the hub.'
92 0 0 if ($$self{'NickList'}{$nick}{'oper'} or $$self{'NickList'}{$nick}{'hubbot'} or $nick eq 'Hub-Security')
93 0 0 if ($text =~ /\x{41c}\x{438}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{43c}\x{430}\x{43b}\x{44c}\x{43d}\x{44b}\x{439} \x{438}\x{43d}\x{442}\x{435}\x{440}\x{432}\x{430}\x{43b} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{438}\x{441}\x{43a}\x{430} \x{441}\x{43e}\x{441}\x{442}\x{430}\x{432}\x{43b}\x{44f}\x{435}\x{442}: \(Minimum search interval is:\) (\d+)\x{441}\x{435}\x{43a}\x{443}\x{43d}\x{434} \(seconds\)/ or $text =~ /^(?:Minimum search interval is|\x{41c}\x{438}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{43c}\x{430}\x{43b}\x{44c}\x{43d}\x{44b}\x{439} \x{438}\x{43d}\x{442}\x{435}\x{440}\x{432}\x{430}\x{43b} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{438}\x{441}\x{43a}\x{430}):(\d+)s/ or $text =~ /Search ignored\. Please leave at least (\d+) seconds between search attempts\./ or $text =~ /\x{41c}\x{438}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{43c}\x{430}\x{43b}\x{44c}\x{43d}\x{44b}\x{439} \x{438}\x{43d}\x{442}\x{435}\x{440}\x{432}\x{430}\x{43b} \x{43c}\x{435}\x{436}\x{434}\x{443} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{438}\x{441}\x{43a}\x{43e}\x{432}\x{44b}\x{43c}\x{438} \x{437}\x{430}\x{43f}\x{440}\x{43e}\x{441}\x{430}\x{43c}\x{438}:(\d+)\x{441}\x{435}\x{43a}., \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{43f}\x{440}\x{43e}\x{431}\x{443}\x{439}\x{442}\x{435} \x{447}\x{443}\x{442}\x{44c} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{437}\x{436}\x{435}/ or $text =~ /You can do 1 searches in (\d+) seconds/)
107 0 0 if ($text =~ /(?:\x{41f}\x{43e}\x{436}\x{430}\x{43b}\x{443}\x{439}\x{441}\x{442}\x{430} )?\x{43f}\x{43e}\x{434}\x{43e}\x{436}\x{434}\x{438}\x{442}\x{435} (\d+) \x{441}\x{435}\x{43a}\x{443}\x{43d}\x{434} \x{43f}\x{435}\x{440}\x{435}\x{434} \x{441}\x{43b}\x{435}\x{434}\x{443}\x{44e}\x{449}\x{438}\x{43c} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{438}\x{441}\x{43a}\x{43e}\x{43c}\./i or $text =~ /(?:Please )?wait (\d+) seconds before next search\./i or $text eq 'Пожалуйста не используйте поиск так часто!' or $text eq q[Please don't flood with searches!] or $text eq 'Sorry Hub is busy now, no search, try later..')
119 0 0 if (not $$self{'count_parse'}{'chatline'} and $text =~ /PtokaX/i)
123 0 0 if $$self{'NickList'}{$nick}{'oper'} and $text eq 'Sorry Hub is busy now, no search, try later..'
127 0 0 if ref $_[0]
129 0 0 if (not keys %{$$self{'NickList'};} && exists $$self{'NickList'}{$nick} or $$self{'NickList'}{$nick}{'oper'})
130 0 0 if ($text =~ /^Bad nickname: unallowed characters, use these (\S+)/) { }
0 0 elsif ($text =~ /Bad nickname: Wait (\d+)sec before reconnecting/i or $text =~ /\x{41f}\x{43e}\x{436}\x{430}\x{43b}\x{443}\x{439}\x{441}\x{442}\x{430} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{434}\x{43e}\x{436}\x{434}\x{438}\x{442}\x{435} (\d+) \x{441}\x{435}\x{43a}\x{443}\x{43d}\x{434} \x{434}\x{43e} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{432}\x{442}\x{43e}\x{440}\x{43d}\x{43e}\x{433}\x{43e} \x{43f}\x{43e}\x{434}\x{43a}\x{43b}\x{44e}\x{447}\x{435}\x{43d}\x{438}\x{44f}\./ or $text =~ /Do not reconnect too fast. Wait (\d+) secs before reconnecting./) { }
0 0 elsif ($$self{'auto_bug'} and $nick eq 'VerliHub' and $text =~ /^This Hub Is Running Version 0.9.8d/i) { }
136 0 0 if length $try
151 0 0 if ref $_[0]
163 0 0 if ref $_[0]
165 0 0 unless $_[0] eq $$self{'Nick'}
168 0 0 unless $$self{'auto_GetNickList'}
169 0 0 unless $$self{'bug_MyINFO_last'}
170 0 0 if $$self{'auto_GetNickList'}
171 0 0 if $$self{'bug_MyINFO_last'}
173 0 0 if $$self{'botinfo'}
177 0 0 if ref $_[0]
181 0 0 if ref $_[0]
187 0 0 if ref $_[0]
193 0 0 if ref $_[0]
200 0 0 if ref $_[0]
206 0 0 if ref $_[0]
210 0 0 if ref $_[0]
214 0 0 if ref $_[0]
216 0 0 if $$self{'auto_GetINFO'}
219 0 0 if ref $_[0]
223 0 0 if ref $_[0]
228 0 0 if $$self{'follow_forcemove'} and $to
231 0 0 if ref $_[0]
235 0 0 if ref $_[0]
239 0 0 if $$self{'flood'}{$host} > time
243 0 0 if $$self{'clients'}{$host . ':' . $port}{'socket'}
259 0 0 if ref $_[0]
263 0 0 if $from eq $$self{'Nick'}
266 0 0 if ref $_[0]
270 0 0 if ref $_[0]
273 0 0 if ref $_[0]
276 0 0 if ref $_[0]
282 0 0 if ($$params{'who'} =~ /^Hub:(.+)$/) { }
284 0 0 if ($$params{'cmd'}[4] =~ /^TTH:([0-9A-Z]{39})$/) { }
286 0 0 if $$params{'udp'}
292 0 0 if ($found and $tth)
306 0 0 if ($$self{'adc'}) { }
316 0 0 if $$self{'charset_fs'} ne $$self{'charset_protocol'}
320 0 0 $$params{'tth'} ? :
0 0 $$params{'ip'} && $$params{'udp'} ? :
343 0 0 if ($$params{'ip'} and $$params{'udp'}) { }
366 0 0 if ref $_[0]
377 0 0 unless $$params{'tth'}
396 0 0 if ($wdl)
399 0 0 if ($$params{'filename'})
405 0 0 if ref $_[0]
425 0 0 if ref $_[0]
429 0 0 if ref $_[0]
431 0 0 if ($$self{'min_chat_delay'} and time - $$self{'last_chat_time'} < $$self{'min_chat_delay'})
445 0 0 if ref $_[0]
450 0 0 if ref $_[0]
454 0 0 if ref $_[0]
458 0 0 if ref $_[0]
462 0 0 if ref $_[0]
469 0 0 if ref $_[0]
470 0 0 if $$self{'NickList'}{$_}{'online'}
0 0 unless @_
477 0 0 if ref $_[0]
481 0 0 if ref $_[0]
482 0 0 if $$self{'M'} eq 'P' and not $$self{'allow_passive_ConnectToMe'}
484 0 0 unless $$self{'myip'}
488 0 0 if ref $_[0]
493 0 0 if ref $_[0]
495 0 0 if $pass
498 0 0 if ref $_[0]
502 0 0 if ref $_[0]
507 0 0 if ref $_[0]
511 0 0 if ref $_[0]
513 0 0 $$self{'M'} eq 'P' ? :
517 0 0 if ref $_[0]
521 0 0 $_[4] =~ s/^(TTH:)?([A-Z0-9]{39})$/TTH:$2/ ? :
0 0 unless defined $_[3]
527 0 0 if ref $_[0]
532 0 0 if ref $_[0]
539 0 0 if ref $_[0]
541 0 0 unless $_[0]
548 0 0 $$self{'M'} ne 'P' && $$self{'myip'} && $$self{'myport_udp'} ? :
553 0 0 if ref $_[0]
557 0 0 if length $_
567 0 0 if ($$self{'M'} eq 'A' or not $$self{'M'})
582 0 0 unless $$self{'myport_tcp'}
600 0 0 if ref $_[0]
602 0 0 if $self
605 0 0 if ref $_[0]
608 0 0 if /^\$SR/
622 0 0 unless $$self{'myport_udp'}