Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 104 0.0

line true false branch
45 0 0 ref $contact eq 'ARRAY' ? :
46 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($_) ? :
49 0 0 unless @c
53 0 0 unless defined $n and $n and not ref $n
55 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($n, 3, 32)
60 0 0 ref $command ? :
65 0 0 if ($tcommand =~ /^(?:info|transfer)$/ and ref $contact[0] and Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact[0]))
69 0 0 if ($az and ref $az and exists $az->{'pw'})
92 0 0 unless $mes->is_success
95 0 0 unless $infdata
103 0 0 if ($name eq 'id') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'roid') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'status') { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^(clID|crID|upID)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^(crDate|upDate|trDate)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'person') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'organization') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'verified') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'unverified') { }
155 0 0 if ($name eq 'email' or $name eq 'fax' or $name eq 'voice' or $name eq 'passport') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'taxpayerNumbers' or $name eq 'birthday') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'intPostalInfo' or $name eq 'locPostalInfo' or $name eq 'legalInfo') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'disclose') { }
187 0 0 if ($name =~ /^(intName|locName|birthday|passport|name|org|addr|intOrg|locOrg|intAddress|locAddress|legalAddress|taxpayerNumbers)$/) { }
0 0 elsif ($name =~ /^(voice|fax|email)$/) { }
210 0 0 if ($name eq 'name' or $name eq 'org') { }
0 0 elsif ($name eq 'address') { }
233 0 0 unless $d and ref $d
235 0 0 unless keys %v == 1
238 0 0 if exists $d->{'intName'}
239 0 0 if exists $d->{'locName'}
241 0 0 if exists $d->{'org'}
242 0 0 if exists $d->{'addr'}
243 0 0 if exists $d->{'voice'}
244 0 0 if exists $d->{'fax'}
245 0 0 if exists $d->{'email'}
258 0 0 if ($contact->person) { }
0 0 elsif ($contact->organization) { }
275 0 0 if ($contact->organization)
282 0 0 if ($contact->person)
299 0 0 if ($data->{'fax'} and scalar @{$data->{'fax'};}) { }
320 0 0 if ($contact->verified) { }
0 0 elsif ($contact->unverified) { }
339 0 0 if $data->{$tag}
354 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact)
373 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_changes($todo)
376 0 0 if (grep {not /^(?:add|del)$/;} $todo->types('status') or grep {not /^(?:set)$/;} $todo->types('info'))
388 0 0 if $sadd
390 0 0 if $sdel
394 0 0 if ($newc)
396 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($newc)
401 0 0 if @c