Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 96 0.0

line true false branch
101 0 0 if ($no_version and $no_version eq '1.1') { }
131 0 0 unless ref $rd eq 'HASH' and defined $rd->{'applicantdataset'} and keys %{$$rd{'applicantdataset'};}
133 0 0 unless $command eq 'create' or $command eq 'update'
140 0 0 unless ($r->{$el})
158 0 0 if ($command eq 'create') { }
0 0 elsif ($command eq 'update') { }
169 0 0 unless $mes->is_success
177 0 0 unless $adata
181 0 0 $el ? :
183 0 0 if (defined $v and $v and $t eq 'acceptDate' || $t eq 'updateDate')
197 0 0 unless defined $fs and $fs or defined $ds and $ds
201 0 0 if (defined $ds and $ds)
205 0 0 if ($fs)
220 0 0 unless defined $fs and $fs or defined $ds and $ds
224 0 0 if (defined $ds and $ds)
230 0 0 if ($fs)
248 0 0 unless defined $dfd || defined $dfr || defined $fs and $dfd || $dfr || $fs
250 0 0 if (defined $dfd and ref $dfd)
254 0 0 if (defined $dfr and ref $dfr)
258 0 0 if (defined $ddate)
259 0 0 if (ref $ddate)
263 0 0 unless $dfd
264 0 0 unless $dfr
268 0 0 if ($dfd or $dfr)
271 0 0 if defined $dfd and $dfd
272 0 0 if defined $dfr and $dfr
274 0 0 if @e
276 0 0 if ($fs)
292 0 0 unless defined $mp || defined $em || defined $fs and $mp || $em || $fs
295 0 0 if ($mp or $em)
299 0 0 if defined $mp and $mp
303 0 0 if defined $em and $em
310 0 0 if ($fs)
324 0 0 if $rd->{'transactionname'}
328 0 0 unless $transaction and $transaction eq 'withdraw'
330 0 0 unless defined $domain and $domain
364 0 0 if (defined $fs and $fs)
377 0 0 if $rd->{'transactionname'}
379 0 0 unless $transaction and $transaction eq 'transfer_execute'
385 0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'auth')
386 0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'duration')
387 0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'token')
388 0 0 if Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'facets')
392 0 0 if (defined $du and $du and Net::DRI::Util::has_duration($rd))
399 0 0 if 'Net::DRI::DRD::NORID'->verify_duration_renew(undef, $du, $domain)
426 0 0 if (Net::DRI::Util::has_auth($rd) and ref $rd->{'auth'} eq 'HASH') { }
0 0 elsif ($token) { }
476 0 0 if (defined $fs and $fs)