Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 111 0.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
99 0 0 0 $no_version and $no_version eq '1.1'
129 0 0 0 ref $rd eq 'HASH' and defined $rd->{'applicantdataset'}
0 0 0 ref $rd eq 'HASH' and defined $rd->{'applicantdataset'} and keys %{$$rd{'applicantdataset'};}
181 0 0 0 defined $v and $v
0 0 0 defined $v and $v and $t eq 'acceptDate' || $t eq 'updateDate'
195 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs
0 0 0 defined $ds and $ds
199 0 0 0 defined $ds and $ds
218 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs
0 0 0 defined $ds and $ds
222 0 0 0 defined $ds and $ds
246 0 0 0 defined $dfd || defined $dfr || defined $fs and $dfd || $dfr || $fs
248 0 0 0 defined $dfd and ref $dfd
252 0 0 0 defined $dfr and ref $dfr
269 0 0 0 defined $dfd and $dfd
270 0 0 0 defined $dfr and $dfr
290 0 0 0 defined $mp || defined $em || defined $fs and $mp || $em || $fs
297 0 0 0 defined $mp and $mp
301 0 0 0 defined $em and $em
326 0 0 0 $transaction and $transaction eq 'withdraw'
328 0 0 0 defined $domain and $domain
362 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs
377 0 0 0 $transaction and $transaction eq 'transfer_execute'
390 0 0 0 defined $du and $du
0 0 0 defined $du and $du and Net::DRI::Util::has_duration($rd)
424 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::has_auth($rd) and ref $rd->{'auth'} eq 'HASH'
474 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
131 0 0 0 $command eq 'create' or $command eq 'update'
181 0 0 0 $t eq 'acceptDate' || $t eq 'updateDate'
195 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs or defined $ds and $ds
218 0 0 0 defined $fs and $fs or defined $ds and $ds
246 0 0 0 defined $dfd || defined $dfr || defined $fs
0 0 0 $dfd || $dfr || $fs
266 0 0 0 $dfd or $dfr
290 0 0 0 defined $mp || defined $em || defined $fs
0 0 0 $mp || $em || $fs
293 0 0 0 $mp or $em