Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 40 0.0

line true false branch
89 0 0 unless exists $rd->{'eligibility'} and ref $rd->{'eligibility'} eq 'HASH'
92 0 0 unless exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantName'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantName'}
94 0 0 unless exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'policyReason'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'policyReason'}
96 0 0 unless exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityType'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityType'}
100 0 0 if (exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantID'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantID'} and exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantIDType'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'registrantIDType'})
105 0 0 if exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityName'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityName'}
106 0 0 if (exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityID'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityID'} and exists $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityIDType'} and $rd->{'eligibility'}{'eligibilityIDType'})
126 0 0 unless $mes->is_success
129 0 0 unless $infdata
135 0 0 unless $c->nodeType == 1
137 0 0 unless $name
140 0 0 if ($name eq 'auProperties')
145 0 0 unless $cc->nodeType == 1
147 0 0 unless $name2
149 0 0 if ($name2 eq 'registrantName') { }
0 0 elsif ($name2 eq 'registrantID') { }
0 0 elsif ($name2 eq 'eligibilityType') { }
0 0 elsif ($name2 eq 'eligibilityName') { }
0 0 elsif ($name2 eq 'eligibilityID') { }
0 0 elsif ($name2 eq 'policyReason') { }