Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 50 0.0

line true false branch
133 0 0 unless exists $opts{'protocol_connection'} and $opts{'protocol_connection'}
136 0 0 if ($t{'pc'}->can('transport_default'))
149 0 0 if exists $opts{$k}
153 0 0 if grep {not $t{'pc'}->can($_);} @need
154 0 0 if exists $opts{'protocol_data'} and $opts{'protocol_data'}
155 0 0 unless exists $opts{'remote_url'} and defined $opts{'remote_url'}
156 0 0 unless $opts{'remote_url'} =~ m[^https?://\S+/\S*$]
167 0 0 if $self->timeout
168 0 0 if exists $opts{'local_host'} and defined $opts{'local_host'}
170 0 0 if ($t{'remote_url'} =~ m[^https://])
180 0 0 if exists $opts{'verify_response'} and defined $opts{'verify_response'} and ref $opts{'verify_response'} eq 'CODE'
182 0 0 if $t{'pc'}->can('init')
196 0 0 if ($pc->can('greeting') and $pc->can('parse_greeting'))
201 0 0 unless $self->_http_send(1, $greeting, 1)
205 0 0 unless $rc1->is_success
210 0 0 unless $self->_http_send(1, $login, 1)
214 0 0 unless $rc2->is_success
225 0 0 if ($pc->can('login') and $pc->can('parse_login'))
244 0 0 unless $pc->can('logout') and $pc->can('parse_logout')
249 0 0 unless $self->_http_send(1, $logout, 3)
253 0 0 unless $rc1->is_success
260 0 0 if $self->has_state and $self->current_state
269 0 0 if ($self->current_state)
291 0 0 unless defined $phase
298 0 0 if exists $$t{'verify_response'}