Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 68 67.6

line true false branch
153 4 10 if @args
183 2 16 if defined $ipall and ref $ipall
184 0 18 unless defined $in and $in
186 1 17 if (ref $in eq 'ARRAY')
191 3 14 if (defined $e2 and $e2)
197 8 6 if (defined $e1 and $e1)
212 8 0 unless defined $ipall
213 8 0 ref $_ ? :
216 11 0 if Net::DRI::Util::is_ipv4($ip, 1 - $ipall)
217 0 11 if Net::DRI::Util::is_ipv6($ip, 1 - $ipall)
225 11 6 unless defined $ipall
226 0 17 if defined $name and $name and $name =~ /\.$/
227 0 17 unless Net::DRI::Util::is_hostname($name)
231 17 0 ref $ipv4 ? :
232 17 0 ref $ipv6 ? :
234 4 13 if ($self->count and defined $self->get_details($name)) { }
238 1 4 unless $$el[0] eq $name
243 1 3 if (defined $$el[3] or defined $rextra)
245 1 0 defined $$el[3] ? :
1 0 defined $rextra && ref $rextra eq 'HASH' ? :
261 34 0 ref $ip ? :
34 0 if defined $ip
269 0 10 unless defined $self and ref $self
271 4 6 if $limit and $limit <= $c
283 0 55 unless defined $self and ref $self
291 8 2 defined $c && $c > 0 ? :
297 0 16 unless defined $self and ref $self and defined $pos and $pos
300 5 11 if ($pos =~ /^\d+$/) { }
302 0 5 unless $c and $pos <= $c
304 5 0 wantarray ? :
310 4 8 unless $$el[0] eq $pos
311 4 4 wantarray ? :
326 0 0 if $ips
327 0 0 if defined $$el[3] and %{$$el[3];}