Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 46 0.0

line true false branch
84 0 0 unless ($change)
86 0 0 unless scalar(($self->name)[1]) and scalar(($self->city)[1]) and scalar(($self->cc)[1]) and $self->email and $self->auth and $self->srid
88 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->srid, 3, 16)
90 0 0 unless $self->type
93 0 0 if $self->srid and not $self->srid =~ /^\w{1,80}-\w{1,8}$/ and not $self->srid =~ /^AUTO$/i
94 0 0 if $self->name and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring(($self->name)[1], 1, 255)
95 0 0 if $self->org and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring(($self->org)[1], undef, 255)
98 0 0 if ($rs[1])
100 0 0 if ref $rs[1] ne 'ARRAY' or @{$rs[1];} > 3 or grep {not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring($_, undef, 255);} @{$rs[1];}
103 0 0 if $self->city and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring(($self->city)[1], 1, 255)
104 0 0 if $self->sp and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring(($self->sp)[1], undef, 255)
105 0 0 if $self->pc and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token(($self->pc)[1], 1, 16)
106 0 0 if $self->cc and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token(($self->cc)[1], 2, 2)
107 0 0 if $self->cc and grep {not exists $Net::DRI::Util::CCA2{uc $_};} $self->cc
109 0 0 if $self->voice and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->voice, undef, 17) && $self->voice =~ /^\+[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,14}(?:x\d+)?$/
110 0 0 if $self->fax and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->fax, undef, 17) && $self->fax =~ /^\+[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,14}(?:x\d+)?$/
111 0 0 if $self->email and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_token($self->email, 1, undef) && 'Email::Valid'->rfc822($self->email)
114 0 0 if $ra and ref $ra eq 'HASH' and exists $$ra{'pw'} and not Net::DRI::Util::xml_is_normalizedstring($$ra{'pw'})
117 0 0 if $self->type and not $self->type =~ /^(?:privateperson|organisation|role)$/
119 0 0 if @errs
128 0 0 if ($what eq 'create')
131 0 0 unless $a and ref $a eq 'HASH' and exists $$a{'pw'}
132 0 0 unless defined $self->srid