Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 51 253 20.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
103 0 0 1 defined $ndr and $ndr
0 1 0 defined $ndr and $ndr and ref $ndr eq 'Net::DRI::Registry'
105 0 0 1 defined $key and exists $$self{'info'}{$key}
112 0 0 8 defined $ndr and $ndr
0 8 0 defined $ndr and $ndr and ref $ndr eq 'Net::DRI::Registry'
124 0 0 8 exists $$rules{'check_name'} and $$rules{'check_name'}
132 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'check_name_no_dots'} and $$rules{'check_name_no_dots'}
138 0 0 8 exists $$rules{'my_tld'} and $$rules{'my_tld'}
0 8 0 exists $$rules{'my_tld'} and $$rules{'my_tld'} and not $self->is_my_tld($domain)
139 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'my_tld_not_strict'} and $$rules{'my_tld_not_strict'}
8 0 0 exists $$rules{'my_tld_not_strict'} and $$rules{'my_tld_not_strict'} and not $self->is_my_tld($domain, 0)
140 1 0 7 exists $$rules{'icann_reserved'} and $$rules{'icann_reserved'}
147 7 0 1 exists $$rules{'min_length'} and $$rules{'min_length'}
7 1 0 exists $$rules{'min_length'} and $$rules{'min_length'} and length $d[0] < $$rules{'min_length'}
148 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_double_hyphen'} and $$rules{'no_double_hyphen'}
8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_double_hyphen'} and $$rules{'no_double_hyphen'} and substr($d[0], 2, 2) eq '--'
149 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'} and $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'}
8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'} and $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'} and substr($d[0], 2, 2) eq '--'
0 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'} and $$rules{'no_double_hyphen_except_idn'} and substr($d[0], 2, 2) eq '--' and substr($d[0], 0, 2) ne 'xn'
150 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_country_code'} and $$rules{'no_country_code'}
8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_country_code'} and $$rules{'no_country_code'} and exists $Net::DRI::Util::CCA2{uc $d[0]}
151 8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_digits_only'} and $$rules{'no_digits_only'}
8 0 0 exists $$rules{'no_digits_only'} and $$rules{'no_digits_only'} and $d[0] =~ /^\d+$/
153 8 0 0 $domain =~ /\.e164\.arpa$/ and not $domain =~ /^(?:\d+\.)+e164\.arpa$/
180 0 0 0 defined $type and ref $ndr
181 0 0 0 defined $type and $type
190 0 0 0 eval { do { $self->can($what) } } && !grep({$what eq $_;} $self->unavailable_operations)
223 3 0 0 defined $checktld and $checktld
3 0 0 defined $checktld and $checktld and not $self->is_my_tld($host, 0)
230 0 0 11 defined $ndr and $ndr
0 11 0 defined $ndr and $ndr and ref $ndr eq 'Net::DRI::Registry'
236 3 0 8 defined $dots and not $data =~ /\.e164\.arpa$/
261 1 0 0 defined $duration and @d
272 0 0 0 defined $curexp and Net::DRI::Util::is_class($curexp, 'DateTime')
301 0 0 0 $trdate and $trdate->isa('DateTime')
315 0 0 0 defined $domain && $domain
330 0 0 0 defined $c && $c && eval { do { $c->can('srid') } }
345 0 0 1 Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'pure_create') && $$rd{'pure_create'}
352 0 0 0 $rs->is_success and defined $rs->local_get_data('domain', $domain, 'exist')
0 0 0 $rs->is_success and defined $rs->local_get_data('domain', $domain, 'exist') and $rs->local_get_data('domain', $domain, 'exist') == 0
360 1 0 0 not $pure and exists $$rd{'ns'}
1 0 0 not $pure and exists $$rd{'ns'} and $self->has_object('ns')
372 0 0 0 defined $e and $e == 1
385 1 0 0 not $pure and exists $$rd{'contact'}
1 0 0 not $pure and exists $$rd{'contact'} and Net::DRI::Util::isa_contactset($$rd{'contact'})
0 0 0 not $pure and exists $$rd{'contact'} and Net::DRI::Util::isa_contactset($$rd{'contact'}) and $self->has_object('contact')
394 0 0 0 defined $e and $e == 1
405 0 1 0 Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'duration') and ref $$rd{'duration'} ne 'DateTime::Duration' || $self->verify_duration_create($ndr, $$rd{'duration'}, $domain)
452 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'pure_delete') && $$rd{'pure_delete'}
466 0 0 0 defined $ns and not $ns->is_empty
475 0 0 0 defined $ns and not $ns->is_empty
0 0 0 defined $ns and not $ns->is_empty and $self->has_object('ns')
482 0 0 0 $rs->is('OBJECT_ASSOCIATION_PROHIBITS_OPERATION') and defined $base
517 0 2 0 defined $p and ref $p eq 'HASH'
548 2 0 0 @todo > 1 and $ndr->protocol->has_action('domain', 'check_multi')
584 3 0 0 $tochange->all_defined('contact') and not $self->has_object('contact')
595 1 2 0 defined $add and not $ndr->protocol_capable('domain_update', $t, 'add')
596 1 2 0 defined $del and not $ndr->protocol_capable('domain_update', $t, 'del')
597 3 0 0 defined $set and not $ndr->protocol_capable('domain_update', $t, 'set')
691 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'duration') and $self->verify_duration_transfer($ndr, $$rd{'duration'}, $domain, $op)
818 0 2 0 defined $_ && Net::DRI::Util::isa_hosts($_, 1)
820 0 2 0 defined $p and ref $p eq 'HASH'
851 2 0 0 @todo > 1 and $ndr->protocol->has_action('host', 'check_multi')
898 0 0 0 defined $add and not $ndr->protocol_capable('host_update', $t, 'add')
899 0 0 0 defined $del and not $ndr->protocol_capable('host_update', $t, 'del')
900 0 0 0 defined $set and not $ndr->protocol_capable('host_update', $t, 'set')
956 0 0 0 $newname and Net::DRI::Util::is_class($newname, 'Net::DRI::Data::Hosts')
1001 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact) and $contact->srid
1010 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact) and $contact->srid
1023 0 0 0 defined $p and ref $p eq 'HASH'
1029 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($p) and length $p->srid
1054 0 0 0 @todo > 1 and $ndr->protocol->has_action('contact', 'check_multi')
1078 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact) and $contact->srid
1088 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact) and $contact->srid
1101 0 0 0 defined $add and not $ndr->protocol_capable('contact_update', $t, 'add')
1102 0 0 0 defined $del and not $ndr->protocol_capable('contact_update', $t, 'del')
1103 0 0 0 defined $set and not $ndr->protocol_capable('contact_update', $t, 'set')
1136 0 0 0 Net::DRI::Util::isa_contact($contact) and $contact->srid
1209 0 0 0 defined $c && $c
1220 0 0 0 defined $count && $count
1350 0 0 0 @kgs && ref $kgs[-1] eq 'HASH'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
405 0 0 1 ref $$rd{'duration'} ne 'DateTime::Duration' || $self->verify_duration_create($ndr, $$rd{'duration'}, $domain)
482 0 0 0 $rs->is_success or $rs->is('OBJECT_ASSOCIATION_PROHIBITS_OPERATION') and defined $base

xor 4 conditions

line l&&r l&&!r !l&&r !l&&!r condition
729 0 0 0 0 $ismine xor $n