Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 16 6.2

line true false branch
89 1 0 if $type eq 'epp'
90 0 0 if $type eq 'dchk'
99 0 0 if $ndr->protocol->name eq 'EPP'
106 0 0 unless $ndr->protocol->name eq 'EPP'
107 0 0 unless Net::DRI::Util::has_key($rd, 'pure_create') and $$rd{'pure_create'} == 1
109 0 0 if (defined $rd and ref $rd eq 'HASH')
115 0 0 unless $rc->is_success
116 0 0 unless defined $ns and Net::DRI::Util::isa_hosts($ns)