Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 0 64 0.0

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
490 0 0 $local and scalar @auth

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
67 0 0 0 @log_level and $log_level[0] ne $$params{'LOG'}{'level'}
202 0 0 0 $qtype eq 'A' and exists $$self{'A'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'AAAA' || $qtype eq 'A6' and exists $$self{'AAAA'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'MX' and exists $$self{'MX'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'PTR' and exists $$self{'PTR'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'SOA' and exists $$self{'SOA'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'NS' and exists $$self{'NS'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'AXFR' and exists $$self{'SOA'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'AXFR' and exists $$self{'SOA'}{$qname} and exists $$self{'SL'}{$peerhost}
463 0 0 0 $qtype eq 'MX' && $ans[0]->type ne 'CNAME'

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
45 0 0 'Net::DNS::Nameserver'->new('LocalAddr', $$params{'SERVER'}{'address'}, 'LocalPort', $$params{'SERVER'}{'port'}, 'Verbose', $$params{'SERVER'}{'verbose'}, 'Truncate', $$params{'SERVER'}{'truncate'}, 'IdleTimeout', $$params{'SERVER'}{'timeout'}, 'ReplyHandler', sub { $self->_handler(@_); } ) || die("Couldn't create nameserver object\n")

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
78 0 0 0 $$config{'_'}{'serial'} || $self->_serial
202 0 0 0 exists $$self{'A'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'AAAA' || $qtype eq 'A6'
0 0 0 exists $$self{'AAAA'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
0 0 0 exists $$self{'MX'}{$qname} || exists $$self{'CNAME'}{$qname}
397 0 0 0 $qtype eq 'A' or $qtype eq 'PTR'
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'A' or $qtype eq 'PTR' or $qtype eq 'MX'
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'A' or $qtype eq 'PTR' or $qtype eq 'MX' or $qtype eq 'SOA'
0 0 0 $qtype eq 'A' or $qtype eq 'PTR' or $qtype eq 'MX' or $qtype eq 'SOA' or $qtype eq 'NS'
433 0 0 0 $qtype eq 'AXFR' || $qtype eq 'SOA'