Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 1 30 3.3

line true false branch
22 0 1 unless ref $ref eq 'HASH'
32 0 0 if $DEBUG
34 0 0 unless $self and $q and $ans
39 0 0 if ($qs =~ /$re/xi)
42 0 0 if $DEBUG
49 0 0 unless exists $$s{$z} and defined $$s{$z}
50 0 0 unless ref $$s{$z} eq 'ARRAY'
60 0 0 if exists $$s{'ra'} and defined $$s{'ra'}
63 0 0 if exists $$s{'rd'} and defined $$s{'rd'}
66 0 0 if exists $$s{'aa'} and defined $$s{'aa'}
69 0 0 if exists $$s{'tc'} and defined $$s{'tc'}
74 0 0 if (exists $$s{'code'} and defined $$s{'code'}) { }
84 0 0 if (exists $$s{'return'} and defined $$s{'return'}) { }
96 0 0 if $Net::DNS::Method::Regexp::AUTOLOAD eq 'Net::DNS::Method::Regexp::DESTROY'
98 0 0 if $DEBUG