Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 243 322 75.4

line true false branch
116 1 23 if (grep {$_ eq ':noSock6';} @_)
120 1 23 if (grep {$_ eq ':forceEmu';} @_)
209 0 2 if ($endusec < $startusec)
242 5 1 if ($nbfound > 0) { }
1 0 elsif ($delta = ($_ = time) - $then) { }
243 5 0 if ($wout)
245 1 4 unless defined $wrote
257 1 0 if $timeout < 0
260 1 4 if ($timeout < 0)
292 6 55 if ($nbfound > 0) { }
7 48 elsif ($delta = ($_ = time) - $then) { }
293 6 0 if ($rout)
295 5 1 if ($rcv) { }
0 1 elsif (defined $rcv) { }
298 4 1 unless ($off < $len)
318 3 4 if $timeout < 0
321 3 0 if ($timeout < 0)
344 0 1 unless $sock
353 0 1 unless (_tcp_write($sock, \$wbuf, 2, $timeout))
357 0 1 unless (_tcp_write($sock, $bp, $msglen, $timeout))
368 0 1 unless $sock
371 1 0 if (_tcp_read($sock, \$buf, 2, $timeout))
376 1 0 if (defined $rcvd) { }
387 0 1 wantarray ? :
415 3 4 if ($nbfound > 0) { }
4 0 elsif ($delta = ($_ = time) - $then) { }
416 3 0 if ($rout)
423 1 3 if $timeout < 0
428 1 3 if ($timeout < 0) { }
1 2 elsif (not defined $urcv) { }
1 1 elsif ($response) { }
462 2 57 if (not $obj) { }
463 1 1 unless $ancount and defined $newoff
502 20 18 if ($self)
528 10 5524 if $soap and $type == T_SOA()
529 5529 5 if ($obj)
553 0 21 unless ($resptr)
564 1 20 if ($rcode)
570 2 19 if ($soap and $$soap > 0) { }
571 0 2 if $qdcount
573 19 0 if $qdcount
633 14 23 if ($$obj{'PeerAddr'}) { }
634 7 7 unless ref $$obj{'PeerAddr'}
639 4 18 unless $naddr
641 20 2 if $naddr
648 44 1 length $_ == 4 ? :
662 1 30 ref $_[0] ? :
668 148 7 unless exists $$self{$_}
671 31 0 if $$self{'Recursion'}
678 1 30 unless $$self{'Class'} eq 'IN'
680 1 29 unless $$self{'Proto'} eq 'UDP' or $$self{'Proto'} eq 'TCP'
791 0 3 unless $Type
794 0 3 unless $name
799 0 3 if ($not_allowed{$Type} or not exists $Net::DNS::Codes::{$ttype}) { }
809 0 3 unless $$self{'Class'} eq 'IN'
827 2 1 $Type eq 'AXFR' ? :
829 2 1 $isAXFR || $$self{'Proto'} eq 'TCP' ? :
834 0 3 unless exists $$self{'_SS'}{$h}
836 2 1 if ($isTCP) { }
838 2 0 $isAXFR ? :
840 2 0 if ($soap) { }
845 0 2 unless ($resptr)
846 0 0 if $sock
850 0 4 unless $isAXFR
852 0 4 unless ($resptr)
853 0 0 if $sock
857 2 2 if ($soaCount < 2)
859 0 2 unless ($resptr)
860 0 0 if $sock
865 0 2 if $sock
868 0 1 unless $resptr
871 3 0 if $resptr
873 3 0 if ($resptr) { }
879 0 3 if $$self{'QuesHead'}
880 0 3 if $$self{'QuesBody'}
881 0 3 if $$self{'RespHead'}
882 0 3 if $$self{'RespBody'}
913 4 15 exists $$self{'QUESTION'}[0]{'TYPE'} && $$self{'QUESTION'}[0]{'TYPE'} == &T_AXFR ? :
917 0 19 $$self{'Proto'} eq 'TCP' ? :
929 19 0 if $$head{'QR'}
930 4 15 if $$head{'AA'}
931 0 19 if $$head{'TC'}
932 18 1 if $$head{'RD'}
933 16 3 if $$head{'RA'}
934 0 19 if $$head{'MBZ'}
935 0 19 if $$head{'AD'}
936 0 19 if $$head{'CD'}
946 9 67 unless exists $$tobj{$sect}
948 60 7 unless $isAXFR or $Rcode
956 20 5530 if ($sect eq 'QUESTION') { }
5530 0 elsif (not $Rcode) { }
961 15 5 unless $isAXFR
980 18 1 if (exists $$self{'_SS'}{$sname} and not $Rcode)
982 18 0 length $server == 4 ? :
987 15 4 unless $isAXFR or $Rcode
988 18 1 unless $Rcode
1006 1 18 if $Rcode
1009 15 4 unless $isAXFR
1053 4 18 unless $sect
1054 2 8 unless ($sect eq 'ANSWER' or $sect eq 'AUTHORITY' or $sect eq 'ADDITIONAL' or $sect eq 'QUESTION')
1059 1 1 wantarray ? :
1062 10 10 wantarray ? :
1094 96 292 unless $sect
1095 4 192 unless ($sect eq 'ANSWER' or $sect eq 'AUTHORITY' or $sect eq 'ADDITIONAL')
1099 1 3 wantarray ? :
1101 192 192 $$self{'QUESTION'}[0]{'CLASS'} =~ /\d+/ ? :
1105 64 320 unless ($type)
1107 32 32 unless $mode
1116 64 320 unless ($type)
1118 16 48 wantarray ? :
1121 160 160 if ($mode)
1127 320 1520 if ($mode and $$_{'TYPE'} eq $type or not $mode and $$_{'TYPE'} == $type)
1135 80 240 wantarray ? :
1164 97 97 unless wantarray
1191 11 11 $_[1] ? :
1207 2 2 $$self{'QUESTION'}[0]{'CLASS'} =~ /\D/ ? :
1311 0 8 if &_no_emulation
1318 4 4 $af == &AF_INET ? :
1330 0 6 if ($af == &AF_INET) { }
1331 0 0 if &_hostHelp
1346 17 0 unless $timeout
1352 15 2 if ($addrtype) { }
0 2 elsif (&_hostHelp) { }
1364 4 13 wantarray ? :
1371 6 8 unless $af
1372 14 0 unless $timeout
1391 8 6 if ($addrtype) { }
0 6 elsif (&_hostHelp and $af != &AF_INET6) { }
1404 10 4 wantarray ? :
1411 6 0 unless $timeout
1414 4 2 unless ($af)
1415 0 4 if (length $name == 4) { }
4 0 elsif (length $name == 16) { }
1426 6 0 if ($af)
1427 0 6 unless $af == &AF_INET or $af == &AF_INET6
1430 6 0 if (length $name == 4 and $af == &AF_INET or length $name == 16 and $af == &AF_INET6) { }
0 0 elsif ($af == &AF_INET or $af == &AF_INET6) { }
1444 6 0 wantarray ? :
1461 8 23 if ($af) { }
1462 2 6 if ($af == &AF_INET and not $name =~ /[^0-9\.]/ and $netaddr = inet_aton($name)) { }
2 4 elsif ($af == &AF_INET6 and not $name =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F\:]/ and $netaddr = ipv6_aton($name)) { }
1475 15 8 if (not $name =~ /[^0-9\.]/ and $netaddr = inet_aton($name)) { }
4 4 elsif (not $name =~ /[^0-9a-fA-F\:]/ and $netaddr = ipv6_aton($name)) { }
1491 0 0 if ($netaddr) { }
0 0 elsif ($netaddr = ipv6_aton($name)) { }
1524 23 24 if $rp = $self->_query(\$buffer, $_)
1527 1 23 unless $rp
1529 7 16 unless ($ancount)
1530 3 4 if (not $$self{'HEADER'}{'RCODE'}) { }
2 2 elsif ($$self{'HEADER'}{'RCODE'} == &NXDOMAIN) { }
1 1 elsif ($$self{'HEADER'}{'RCODE'} == &SERVFAIL) { }
1531 1 2 $$self{'HEADER'}{'AA'} ? :
1536 1 1 $$self{'HEADER'}{'AA'} ? :
1565 14 2 if ($typ == $t) { }
0 2 elsif ($typ == &T_CNAME) { }
2 0 elsif ($typ == &T_A or $typ == &T_AAAA) { }
1566 0 14 if ($name) { }
7 7 elsif ($typ == &T_PTR) { }
7 0 elsif ($typ == &T_A or $typ == &T_AAAA) { }
1571 1 6 $$self{'AddrType'} == &AF_INET ? :
1590 0 16 if $aliases