Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 80 80 100.0

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
146 43 26 4 $ref and $ref ne "ARRAY"
376 1 10 2 $self->{'defnames'} && !($name =~ /[.:]/)
454 6 1 2 $self->{'tsig_rr'} and not $reply->verify($query)
527 88 1 2 $self->{'tsig_rr'} and not $reply->verify($query)
681 8 1 1 $self->{'tsig_rr'} and not $reply->verify($query)
695 1 111 6 $query and $header->id != $query->header->id

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
128 82 9 $initial ||= [%$base]
168 7 3 $res_option{lc $name} || (return)
183 1 7 $ENV{'RES_OPTIONS'} || ''
341 22 3 shift() || (return @null)
366 165 292 shift() || (return $self->{'errorstring'})
375 11 2 shift @argument || '.'
380 10 3 $self->send($fqdn, @argument) || (return)
390 5 1 shift @argument || '.'
399 2 5 $self->send($fqname, @argument) || (next)
417 88 20 $self->_send_udp($packet, $packet_data) || (return)
440 11 3 $socket || (next)
476 93 16 $self->{'retrans'} || 1
477 93 16 $self->{'retry'} || 1
493 93 97 $self->_create_udp_socket($ns) || (next)
596 9 2 $self->_create_udp_socket($ip) || (next)
620 11696 2 do { *$handle }->{'net_dns_bg'} ||= [time + $self->{'udp_timeout'}]
636 1 1 $self->_bgsend_tcp($query, $query->data) || (return)
773 9 2 $socket || (next)
801 42 1 shift() || (return)
834 60 1 $fragment || (last)
1061 150 81 +(shift())->{'udppacketsize'} || 0
1128 44 33 shift() || 0

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
284 689 631 12 _ipv4($ns) or _ipv6($ns)
309 119 7 168 scalar @ns or not defined wantarray
321 3 124 167 $self->{'prefer_v4'} or not scalar @ns6
322 6 20 268 $self->{'prefer_v6'} or not scalar @ns4
415 6 1 108 $self->{'usevc'} or length $packet_data > $self->_packetsz
557 6 1 9 $self->{'usevc'} or length $packet_data > $self->_packetsz