Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 38 0.0

line true false branch
97 0 0 if (defined $_[0])
104 0 0 unless (defined $func_args{'proc_info'})
107 0 0 if (defined $func_args{'string'}) { }
114 0 0 unless (defined $func_args{'ptrs'})
117 0 0 unless (defined $func_args{'ports'})
120 0 0 unless (defined $func_args{'zombie_skip'})
125 0 0 if (defined $func_args{'string'})
128 0 0 if ($func_args{'proc_info'})
133 0 0 unless (defined $output_raw)
135 0 0 unless ($^O =~ /freebsd/)
156 0 0 if ($func_args{'proc_info'})
170 0 0 if ($output_lines[$line_int] =~ /^\?/ and $func_args{'zombie_skip'})
173 0 0 if ($process_line)
186 0 0 if ($line_split[0] ne '?')
219 0 0 unless ($args->{'proto'} =~ /^udp/)
227 0 0 if ($func_args{'proc_info'} and $args->{'uid'} ne '?')
231 0 0 if (defined $pid_proc{$args->{'pid'}}) { }
246 0 0 if ($proc_table->[$proc_int]{'pid'} eq $args->{'pid'})
252 0 0 if ($proc_table->[$proc_int]->cmndline =~ /^$/) { }