Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 103 148 69.5

line true false branch
191 0 21 if defined $$self{'html_suff'}
217 0 39 unless defined($url = $self->url_2resource($url, $type, $enc))
220 8 31 if defined $f
222 0 31 unless ($f, my $q) = $self->raw_name($url, $suggested, $type, $enc)
226 0 31 unless defined $f
230 0 31 unless (my $dirname, $f, $q) = $self->find_directory($f, $q, $url, $suggested, $type, $enc)
235 0 31 unless defined $dirname
238 0 31 unless defined $dirname
240 0 31 unless ($f, my $suff) = $self->split_suffix($f, $dirname, $q, $url, $suggested, $type, $enc)
243 0 31 unless ($f, $suff) = $self->choose_suffix($f, $suff, $dirname, $q, $url, $suggested, $type, $enc)
246 0 31 unless ($f, $suff) = $self->fix_basename($f, $dirname, $suff, $url, $suggested, $type, $enc)
250 0 31 unless defined $f
266 0 0 unless defined $ct
270 0 0 if ($cd and $cd =~ /\bfilename\s*=\s*(\S+)/)
274 0 0 if $$self{'suggested_only_basename'}
297 39 0 unless ref $url
299 10 29 if (defined $url->frag)
303 0 39 if (defined $url->equery and $self->url_takes_query($url, $type, $enc))
304 0 0 unless $cpy
325 8 31 if defined $f
328 0 31 if $$self{'only_known'} and keys %{$$self{'known_names'};}
349 4 27 if (defined $suggested) { }
350 1 3 if ($$self{'suggested_only_basename'} and $$self{'hierarchical'})
352 0 1 if $$self{'suggested_basename'}
357 7 20 $$self{'use_query'} ? :
376 31 0 if $$self{'fix_url_backslashes'}
380 31 0 if $$self{'protect_pref'} ne '%'
397 24 7 unless defined $q
401 7 0 if $$self{'protect_pref'} ne '%'
431 25 6 $$self{'hierarchical'} && $1 ? :
434 7 24 if (defined $q) { }
436 6 1 if ($$self{'dir_query'})
445 9 22 if ($$self{'site_dir'}) { }
450 9 0 if $port == $def
451 0 9 if length $port
488 12 16 if $$self{'mkpath'} and length $dirname and not -d $dirname
583 31 0 unless defined $enc
584 0 31 unless ref $enc
585 13 18 if (not defined $type) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $$self{'type_suff'}{lc $type}) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $$self{'type_suff_no_enc'}{lc $type}) { }
18 0 elsif ($$self{'keepsuff_same_mediatype'}) { }
593 18 0 unless defined $t and lc $t eq lc $type and lc "@enc" eq lc "@$enc"
599 16 2 length $suff ? :
13 18 if (not $guess_suffix) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $$self{'type_suff_fallback'}{lc $type}) { }
0 18 elsif (exists $$self{'type_suff_fallback_no_enc'}{lc $type}) { }
0 18 elsif (length $suff ? $$self{'keep_suff'}{lc $type} : $$self{'keep_nosuff'}{lc $type}) { }
610 18 0 if (defined $s and length $s)
616 18 13 if ($check_enc)
618 0 0 if exists $suffixDecoding{$e}
639 0 31 unless length $f
641 2 29 if $$self{'8+3'}
661 1 30 if $$self{'ignore_existing_files'}
664 2 28 if $$self{'8+3'}
667 4 28 if ($max_length and length "$f$extra$suff" > $max_length and length "$extra$suff" < $max_length)
673 30 2 unless -e $file
675 2 0 unless $extra
691 3 28 unless $$self{'cache_name'}
718 151 9 unless ($$self{'keep_space'})
724 160 0 unless $$self{'keep_dots'}
725 9 151 if $$self{'tolower'}
727 18 142 if $$self{'max_length'} and length $f > $$self{'max_length'}
729 18 142 if $$self{'8+3'}
747 18 2 unless defined $suff
749 3 17 if not length $suff and $f =~ s/(.{8,})\.(.*)$/$1/s
754 6 14 if (not length $suff and length $f > 8)
756 6 0 if $l > 3
763 19 1 unless defined $s
765 13 7 if length $f > 8
766 4 16 if length $s > 3
767 14 6 if length $s
786 0 39 if $type and $$self{'queryless_types'}{$type}
789 29 10 if $ext