Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 46 62 74.1

line true false branch
92 1 2 if ('MSWin32' eq $^O) { }
95 0 1 unless 4 == @oct
98 0 4 unless $_ <= 255 and $_ >= 0
134 0 31 unless defined $val
137 0 31 unless defined $net and defined $bits
138 0 31 unless my $intnet = _dq2int($net)
159 0 4 unless defined $val
162 0 4 if defined $crud or not defined $end
183 0 21 unless defined $_[3]
202 0 4 if $start > $end
257 0 30 if (defined $result{$net}) { }
347 321 946 $addr & 2147483648 ? :
350 4 1263 if ('Net::CIDR::Lookup' ne ref $node)
351 3 1 if $val eq $node
354 48 1215 unless --$nbits
355 661 554 if (defined $node->[$bit]) { }
366 2 20 if $checksub and defined $node->[$bit] and 'Net::CIDR::Lookup' eq ref $node->[$bit]
374 0 0 if not @node_stack and defined $$node[$bit ^ 1] and $$node[$bit ^ 1] eq $val
380 25 4 unless defined $node and defined $$node->[0] and defined $$node->[1] and $$node->[0] eq $$node->[1]
397 0 2 unless $val == $oldval
401 0 2 unless (eval { do { $root->_walk(0, 0, sub { my $oldval = $_[2]; die $oldval unless $val == $oldval; } ); 1 } })
402 0 0 if $@
413 3 199 unless defined $node->[$bit]
414 8 191 if 'Net::CIDR::Lookup' ne ref $node->[$bit]
435 328 15 if ('Net::CIDR::Lookup' eq ref $node) { }
445 236 92 if ('Net::CIDR::Lookup' eq ref $l) { }
447 19 217 if defined $r
454 9 83 if defined $l
465 75 32 if ('Net::CIDR::Lookup' eq ref $r) { }
471 23 9 if defined $r
492 17 21 if ($ix2 <= $ix1) { }