Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 226 372 60.7

line true false branch
48 2 85 if (not $args or ref $args ne 'HASH')
53 2 83 unless ($$args{'Path'})
60 1 82 unless (-f $$args{'Path'})
67 10 72 if ($$args{'Client'} and not blessed($$args{'Client'}) && $$args{'Client'}->isa('Net::BitTorrent'))
75 5 67 if ($$args{'BlockLength'} and not $$args{'BlockLength'} =~ /^\d+$/)
81 5 67 if ($$args{'Status'} and not $$args{'Status'} =~ /^\d+$/)
87 67 5 defined $$args{'BaseDir'} ? :
90 0 72 unless (sysopen $TORRENT_FH, $$args{'Path'}, 0)
98 0 72 if (sysread($TORRENT_FH, $TORRENT_RAW, -s $$args{'Path'}) != -s $$args{'Path'})
112 1 71 unless ($raw_data{refaddr $self})
116 0 71 if (length unpack('H*', $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'pieces'}) < 40)
121 0 71 if (length(unpack 'H*', $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'pieces'}) % 40)
131 20 51 defined $$args{'BlockLength'} ? :
142 53 18 if (defined $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'files'}) { }
167 0 0 if (defined $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'encoding'} and not $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'encoding'} =~ /^utf-?8$/i and not utf8::is_utf8($path) and require Encode)
190 0 62 $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'announce'} ? :
9 62 $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'announce-list'} ? :
202 41 0 if ($$args{'Client'} and blessed($$args{'Client'}) and $$args{'Client'}->isa('Net::BitTorrent'))
205 4 37 $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'nodes'} ? :
214 0 71 if $$args{'Status'} & CHECKING()
215 0 71 if $$args{'Status'} & CHECKED()
216 0 71 if $$args{'Status'} & ERROR()
217 0 71 if $$args{'Status'} & LOADED()
225 0 71 if ($$args{'Resume'})
228 0 0 if (-f $$args{'Resume'})
233 0 0 if ($_resume_data)
238 0 0 if ($$_resume_data{'.format'} and $$_resume_data{'.format'} eq 'Net::BitTorrent resume' and $$_resume_data{'.version'} and $$_resume_data{'.version'} <= 2)
244 0 0 $$_resume_data{'peers'} ? :
250 0 0 if (not -f $files{refaddr $self}[$_index]->path and $$_resume_data{'files'}[$_index]{'mtime'} or ((stat $files{refaddr $self}[$_index]->path)[9] or 0 != $$_resume_data{'files'}[$_index]{'mtime'}))
264 0 0 if (not $_okay) { }
276 0 0 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & START_AFTER_CHECK()
278 0 0 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKED()
279 0 0 if ($start_after_check)
313 0 71 if ($threads::shared::threads_shared)
319 41 30 if ($$args{'Client'})
334 41 30 if $_start and ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
360 0 210 $raw_data{refaddr(shift())}{'info'}{'private'} ? :
365 20 5 $raw ? :
372 0 234 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
373 27 207 !(unpack('b*', $self->_wanted) =~ /1/) ? :
388 0 503 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
389 0 503 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
391 1428 1343 $$_{'Object'}->isa('Net::BitTorrent::Peer') && $$_{'Object'}->torrent && $$_{'Object'}->torrent eq $self ? :
408 5 10 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
409 5 5 if length ${$bitfield{refaddr $self};} != length $new_value
417 0 5 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
426 1 14 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
433 0 0 unless $value =~ /^\d+$/
452 721 8 $file->priority ? :
721 8 if ($file->priority ? 1 : 0)
453 721 0 $file->priority ? :
474 0 36 unless $priority
477 54 0 if not vec(${$bitfield{refaddr $self};}, $_, 1)
486 0 23 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & PAUSED()
487 0 23 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
492 0 23 if !${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
497 5 18 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & START_AFTER_CHECK()
499 23 0 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKED()
501 0 23 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
502 5 18 if ($start_after_check)
508 0 10 if (!${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED())
512 0 10 if (!${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED())
521 5 51 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
523 0 51 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & ERROR()
525 5 46 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & PAUSED()
526 46 5 unless (${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED())
537 0 7 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
542 7 0 if (${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED())
553 0 41 unless ($client and blessed $client and $client->isa('Net::BitTorrent'))
560 0 41 if ($_client{refaddr $self} or ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED())
575 0 20 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
576 0 20 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
577 0 20 unless $amount
578 10 10 $amount =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
583 0 18 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
584 0 18 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
585 8 10 $amount =~ /^\d+$/ ? :
590 30 183 unless defined $_client{refaddr $self}
593 142 0 if @_
594 5 178 $self->is_complete ? :
597 0 183 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
598 0 183 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
599 0 183 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
603 0 183 if scalar $self->peers >= $_client{refaddr $self}->_peers_per_torrent
607 382 372 if $$_{'Object'}->isa('Net::BitTorrent::Peer')
619 173 10 unless ($_nodes{refaddr $self})
620 128 45 unless $self->private
631 117 66 unless $_nodes{refaddr $self}
636 47 152 unless @nodes
640 120 32 if scalar grep({sprintf('%s:%d', $_->host || '', $_->port || 0) eq $node;} @peers)
645 0 32 if (defined $ok and $ok == 0)
663 0 12 unless ref $tier eq 'ARRAY'
673 0 41 if !${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
674 0 41 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
675 5 36 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
676 15 21 unless (defined $index and $index =~ /^\d+$/)
681 3 18 $_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index} ? :
688 4 18 if $self->is_complete
689 0 18 if !${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
690 0 18 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
691 0 18 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
692 0 18 unless ($_client{refaddr $self})
697 0 18 if (!${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED() or ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING())
703 0 18 unless ($peer and blessed $peer and $peer->isa('Net::BitTorrent::Peer'))
713 0 18 unless unpack('b*', $relevence) =~ /1/
714 0 18 sum(split(//, unpack('b*', $_wanted), 0)) <= length(unpack 'b*', $_wanted) * 0.1 ? :
733 0 18 $unrequested_blocks > int($raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} / $_block_length{refaddr $self}) / 4 ? :
0 18 if (scalar grep({$$_{'Slow'} == 1;} values %{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self};}) >= 3) { }
0 18 elsif (scalar values %{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self};} >= ($unrequested_blocks > int($raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} / $_block_length{refaddr $self}) / 4 ? 0 : 1) + scalar(keys %{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self};})) { }
741 0 0 if (vec($relevence, $index, 1) == 1)
742 0 0 $endgame ? :
0 0 if (($endgame ? index($_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Received'}, '0', 0) : scalar grep({scalar keys %$_;} @{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Requested'};})) != -1)
783 0 0 if (vec($relevence, $index, 1) == 1)
784 0 0 $endgame ? :
0 0 if (($endgame ? index($_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Received'}, '0', 0) : scalar grep({scalar keys %$_;} @{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Requested'};})) != -1)
804 0 18 unless keys %weights
810 18 18 if ($rand_val <= 0 and vec($relevence, $i, 1) == 1)
816 0 18 unless defined $index
817 0 18 $index == int $size{refaddr $self} / $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} ? :
827 18 0 $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} < $_block_length{refaddr $self} ? :
837 0 18 $block_length_last ? :
853 18 0 if ($piece)
854 5 13 unless (defined $_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$$piece{'Index'}})
861 18 0 $piece ? :
868 0 3 if !${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
869 0 3 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
870 0 3 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
871 0 3 if (length($$data) + ($raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} * $index + $offset) > $size{refaddr $self})
890 0 0 unless defined $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->size
893 3 3 $total_offset + length($$data) > $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->size ? :
898 0 6 unless $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->_open('w')
900 0 6 unless $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->_write(substr($$data, 0, $this_write, ''))
905 3 3 unless defined $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]
913 0 292 unless defined $index and $index =~ /^\d+$/
914 0 292 unless defined $offset and $offset =~ /^\d+$/
915 0 292 unless defined $length and $length =~ /^\d+$/
917 0 292 if ($length + ($raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'piece length'} * $index + $offset) > $size{refaddr $self})
936 0 19 unless defined $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->size
939 55 253 $total_offset + $length >= $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->size ? :
944 273 35 unless $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]->_open('r')
948 35 0 if $_data
951 19 16 unless defined $files{refaddr $self}[$file_index]
959 0 287 unless (defined $index and $index =~ /^\d+$/)
965 23 264 $index == $self->piece_count - 1 ? :
974 273 14 if (not $data or sha1_hex($$data) ne substr(unpack('H*', $raw_data{refaddr $self}{'info'}{'pieces'}), $index * 40, 40))
990 9 5 if (vec(${$bitfield{refaddr $self};}, $index, 1) == 0)
1007 0 18 if !${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
1008 0 18 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
1009 0 18 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
1010 6 12 if $self->private
1011 0 12 unless $_client{refaddr $self}->_use_dht
1017 12 0 if $_client{refaddr $s}->_use_dht
1033 0 20 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED()
1034 0 20 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING()
1035 0 20 unless ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
1036 7 13 if $self->private
1037 13 0 if $_client{refaddr $self}->_use_dht
1044 0 29 unless ___check_event($type)
1052 0 476 unless ___check_event($type)
1057 233 243 if ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED()
1058 43 433 $_event{refaddr $self}{$type} ? :
1081 5 5 unless $file
1091 5 0 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED() && !$self->private ? :
1106 0 8 -f $_->path ? :
1128 0 5 $_nodes ? :
1133 0 5 unless open my $_RD, '>', $file
1134 0 5 unless syswrite $_RD, bencode(\%resume_data)
1177 474 2 vec($wanted, $_, 1) ? :
0 476 $_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$_} ? :
10 476 vec(${$bitfield{refaddr $self};}, $_, 1) ? :
1198 0 0 scalar keys %{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Requested'}[$_];} ? :
0 0 scalar keys %{$_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Requested'}[$_];} == 1 ? :
0 0 $_working_pieces{refaddr $self}{$index}{'Blocks_Received'}[$_] ? :
1223 0 10 $self->private ? :
6 4 @{$files{refaddr $self};} != 1 ? :
10 0 @{$trackers{refaddr $self};} != 1 ? :
15 10 !$advanced ? :
1225 15 10 defined wantarray ? :
1245 10 0 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & LOADED() ? :
10 0 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & STARTED() ? :
10 0 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKING() ? :
0 10 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & START_AFTER_CHECK() ? :
0 10 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & CHECKED() ? :
0 10 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & PAUSED() ? :
10 0 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & QUEUED() ? :
0 10 ${$status{refaddr $self};} & ERROR() ? :