Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 12 20 60.0

line true false branch
20 2 42 if (not $args or ref $args ne 'HASH')
25 3 37 if (not $$args{'URLs'} or ref $$args{'URLs'} ne 'ARRAY' or not scalar @{$$args{'URLs'};})
32 1 34 unless ($$args{'Torrent'} and blessed($$args{'Torrent'}) and $$args{'Torrent'}->isa('Net::BitTorrent::Torrent'))
44 18 17 $_url =~ m[^http://]i ? :
76 0 22 unless defined $self
77 0 22 unless defined $urls{refaddr $self}
78 0 22 unless scalar @{$urls{refaddr $self};}
79 22 0 $event ? :
93 0 0 !$advanced ? :
94 0 0 defined wantarray ? :