Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 48 0.0

line true false branch
100 0 0 if exists $params{'EXTRA_META'}
101 0 0 unless exists $params{'LICENSE'}
102 0 0 if ($params{'BUILD_REQUIRES'} and $eumm_version < "6.5503")
104 0 0 unless $params{'PREREQ_PM'}
107 0 0 if ($params{'TEST_REQUIRES'} and $eumm_version < "6.64")
108 0 0 unless $params{'PREREQ_PM'}
111 0 0 if $eumm_version < "6.52"
112 0 0 if $eumm_version < "6.48"
113 0 0 if $eumm_version < "6.46"
114 0 0 if $eumm_version < "6.46"
115 0 0 if $eumm_version < "6.31"
116 0 0 if $] < "5.005"
117 0 0 if $] < "5.005"
118 0 0 if $] < "5.005"
187 0 0 unless open my $fh, "<", $filename
194 0 0 if (@section)
195 0 0 if $section[-1] =~ /^=/
196 0 0 if $remove_heading
210 0 0 if ($perl =~ /\s/)
215 0 0 if ($examples)
225 0 0 if (-f $filename)
226 0 0 unless open my $fh, "<:raw:encoding(UTF-8)", $filename
232 0 0 if ($content ne $new_content)
233 0 0 if (open my $fh, '>:raw:encoding(UTF-8)', $filename) { }