Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 62 84 73.8

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
153 0 1 shift @{$$self{'request_queue'};} and next

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
84 87 98 0 $self->{'pipeline'} && $self->{'can_pipeline'} && (!$self->{'max_in_flight'} || $self->{'requests_in_flight'} < $self->{'max_in_flight'})
110 8 0 99 @$queue and $self->is_idle
112 78 1 18 @$queue and $self->should_pipeline
169 11 101 2 not $closed and length $$buffref
204 0 0 129 ref $req and $req->isa('HTTP::Request')
301 41 86 2 defined $authority and my($user, $pass, $host) = $authority =~ /^(.*?):(.*)@(.*)$/
330 125 1 3 $write_request_body and not $expect_continue
364 1 119 1 length $$buffref >= 4 and not $$buffref =~ /^HTTP/
398 0 7 111 $protocol =~ m[^HTTP/1\.(\d+)$] and $1 >= 1
420 115 0 2 $content_encoding and $decoder = 'Net::Async::HTTP'->can_decode($content_encoding)
434 96 0 0 $max and $max < $self->{'max_in_flight'}
440 79 2 0 $decoder and not eval { do { $chunk = &$decoder($chunk); 1 } }
462 113 2 0 $decoder and not eval { do { $final = &$decoder(); 1 } }
469 113 2 0 defined $final and length $final
499 110 0 4 defined $transfer_encoding and $transfer_encoding eq 'chunked'
538 6 0 10 not defined $chunk_length and $$buffref =~ s/^(.*?)$CRLF//
556 0 0 6 defined $chunk_length and length $$buffref >= $chunk_length + 2

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
311 83 46 $req->protocol || 'HTTP/1.1'
429 0 96 $header->header('Keep-Alive') || ''

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
174 30 0 1 $closed or not length $$buffref
192 21 7 6 $head->is_done or $head->f->is_ready
213 4 7 118 $method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT'
11 2 116 $method eq 'POST' or $method eq 'PUT' or length $req->content
266 4 1 124 $stall_timer or $args{'on_body_write'}
426 63 54 0 $header->header('Connection') || ($self->{'can_pipeline'} ? 'keep-alive' : 'close')
491 2 0 115 $req->method eq 'HEAD' or $code =~ /^1..$/
2 0 115 $req->method eq 'HEAD' or $code =~ /^1..$/ or $code eq '204'
0 1 114 $req->method eq 'HEAD' or $code =~ /^1..$/ or $code eq '204' or $code eq '304'