Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 42 68 61.7

line true false branch
38 3 14 if (ref $value eq 'SCALAR') { }
46 1 16 if exists $args{'acl_short'}
47 10 7 if exists $args{'acl'}
54 3 14 if ref $value
85 6 0 if (%args)
86 6 0 if ($args{'acl_short'})
108 0 0 unless $response->is_success
116 0 2 unless %args
136 3 1 unless exists $args{'method'}
153 3 20 if ref $args{'filename'}
167 4 3 unless $response->is_success
195 0 5 unless scalar @objects
206 0 11 ref $_ ? :
0 5 scalar @objects > 1000 ? :
211 3 1 unless $response->is_success
221 0 9 unless defined $args{'key'} and length $args{'key'}
255 8 6 if (defined $args{'key'}) { }
268 3 2 unless $response->is_success
277 13 11 if (defined $args{'key'}) { }
290 7 11 unless $response->is_success
303 0 0 unless $response->is_success
309 11 3 @_ == 1 ? :
312 8 6 if (defined $args{'key'}) { }
333 9 6 if (defined $args{'key'}) { }
355 0 3 unless -r $filename and -f _ || $remaining
357 0 3 unless my $fh = "IO::File"->new($filename, "r")
365 0 0 unless ($fh->opened)
366 0 0 unless $fh = "IO::File"->new($filename, "r")
373 0 0 unless (my $read = $fh->read($buffer, $blksize))
376 0 0 if $! and $remaining
381 0 0 unless $fh->close
394 1 0 $self->account->secure ? :
399 1 0 if ($self->account->use_virtual_host)
416 1 0 if $response->header("Net::Amazon::S3::Constants"->HEADER_BUCKET_REGION)