Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 0 42 0.0

line true false branch
50 0 0 unless ($date)
99 0 0 unless ($data{'access_key'} and $data{'secret_key'})
118 0 0 unless $key
125 0 0 unless $key
132 0 0 unless $key
139 0 0 unless ($action)
155 0 0 if @_ == 1
157 0 0 unless (ref $args{'To'})
161 0 0 unless ($from)
164 0 0 unless ($from and $args{'Body'} || $args{'Body_html'} and $args{'To'})
172 0 0 if ($args{'Body'})
176 0 0 if ($args{'Body_html'})
180 0 0 if ($args{'ReturnPath'})
193 0 0 unless ($email)
203 0 0 unless ($identity)
213 0 0 if ($args{'limit'})
216 0 0 if ($args{'offset'})
226 0 0 if ($args{'limit'})
229 0 0 if ($args{'offset'})
247 0 0 if @_ == 1
248 0 0 if ($msg and ref $msg and $msg->isa('MIME::Entity'))