Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 2 22 9.0

line true false branch
83 0 0 unless defined $version and $version eq 'v1' and defined $plain_text
87 0 0 $status eq '-1' ? :
0 0 $status eq '1' ? :
143 1 0 (shift())->{'async_url'} ? :
151 2 0 (shift())->{'should_mdn_sign'} ? :
213 0 0 $self->is_error ? :
0 0 $self->is_success ? :
234 0 0 if (lc $key eq 'signed-receipt-protocol')
235 0 0 unless 'pkcs7-signature' ~~ \@values
238 0 0 if (lc $key eq 'signed-receipt-micalg')
239 0 0 unless 'sha1' ~~ \@values