Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 1 81 1.2

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
182 0 0 not defined $Nice::Try::WANTARRAY and scalar @Nice::Try::LAST_VAL
185 0 0 not defined $Nice::Try::WANTARRAY and scalar @Nice::Try::LAST_VAL

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
39 136 0 0 exists $init->{'_dbh'} and $init->{'_dbh'}
71 0 0 0 $self->_is_object($addr) and $addr->isa("Net::API::Stripe::Address")
75 0 0 0 exists $addr->{$k} and length $addr->{$k}
84 0 0 0 exists $addr->{$k} and length $addr->{$k}
142 0 0 0 exists $self->{$field} and &Scalar::Util::blessed($self->{$field})
0 0 0 exists $self->{$field} and &Scalar::Util::blessed($self->{$field}) and not $self->_is_array($self->{$field})
153 0 0 0 $INC{''} and not exists $INC{''}
182 0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::WANT and length $Nice::Try::WANT
185 0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::WANT and length $Nice::Try::WANT
0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::WANTARRAY and !&Scalar::Util::blessed($Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]) || &Scalar::Util::blessed($Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]) && !$Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]->isa('Nice::Try::SENTINEL')
0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::WANT and length $Nice::Try::WANT
0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] and $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] eq "__NEXT__"
0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] and $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] eq "__LAST__"
0 0 0 defined $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] and $Nice::Try::RETVAL[0] eq "__REDO__"
230 0 0 0 scalar @_ == 1 and not defined $_[0]
243 0 0 0 scalar @_ == 1 and not defined $_[0]
304 0 0 0 scalar @_ == 1 and not defined $_[0]
346 0 0 0 not $self->{$field} and want("OBJECT")
361 0 0 0 defined $str and &Scalar::Util::blessed($str)

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
60 0 0 shift @_ || (return)
192 0 0 shift @_ || (return $self->error('No object type was provided'))
271 0 0 $ref->{'object'} || (return $self->error('No object type could be found in hash: ', sub {
290 0 0 &$process($data) || (return $self->error('Unable to create object: ', $self->error))

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
106 0 0 0 lc $p->{'from'} eq "cm" or lc $p->{'from'} eq "centimetre"
185 0 0 0 !&Scalar::Util::blessed($Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]) || &Scalar::Util::blessed($Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]) && !$Nice::Try::RETVAL[0]->isa('Nice::Try::SENTINEL')
204 0 0 0 @_ or not $self->{$field}
337 0 0 0 ref $_[0] eq "HASH" or ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY"