Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 13 24 54.1

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
378 0 12 $struct->{$name} &&= 1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
357 0 0 12 $opts{$name} &&= JSON::true()
657 6 0 13 $self->{'_key'} && $self->_key_obj

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
378 12 0 ($struct->{$name} &&= 1) ||= 0
694 24 0 $opt_post_method || 'post_key_id'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
357 12 0 0 ($opts{$name} &&= JSON::true()) ||= JSON::false()
590 1 1 0 $self->{'_key_thumbprint'} ||= $self->_key_obj->get_jwk_thumbprint
596 48 18 0 $self->{'_directory_promise'} ||= do { my $dir_path = $self->DIRECTORY_PATH; my $http = $self->{'_http'}; Net::ACME2::PromiseUtil::then($self->{'_http'}->get("https://$self->{'_host'}$dir_path"), sub { my $dir_hr = (shift())->content_struct; unless (my $new_nonce_url = $dir_hr->{'newNonce'}) { _die_generic("Directory lacks \342\200\234newNonce\342\200\235."); } ; $http->set_new_nonce_url($new_nonce_url); return $dir_hr; } ) }
648 1 13 0 $self->{'_key_obj'} ||= 'Net::ACME2::AccountKey'->new($self->{'_key'})