Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 34 97.0

line true false branch
111 704 1 if $host =~ s/:(\d+)\z//
113 2 703 unless (defined $iaddr)
126 0 703 if length $request_id > 4
128 8 695 exists $args{'retries'} ? :
133 22 687 exists $args{'timeout'} ? :
139 13 704 unless $success
143 8 696 if (not $resp_decoded or $resp_decoded->request_id ne $request_id and not $resp_decoded->request_id =~ /\A\0+\Q$request_id\E\z/)
148 13 683 if $resp_decoded->error_status
160 33 7 "\000" eq ($intstr & "\200") ? :
161 5 35 if length $intstr > 4
164 7 33 if $padchar ne "\000"
181 1 10 if $int >= 0 and ($rv & "\200") ne "\000"
251 8 44 unless $response_decoded
312 12 625 unless (defined $response)
313 10 2 if ($NSNMP::Simple::error_status eq 2)
323 1 624 unless ($mapper->map($oid))[0]
324 620 4 $initial_dot ? :