Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 17 26 65.3

line true false branch
92 4 1 if $lastoid and $oid eq $lastoid
95 1 0 if ($$oids[$ii] gt $oid)
108 5 10 if $reqtype eq "\241"
112 5 10 unless defined $otype and defined $ovalue
128 0 4 unless defined $otype and defined $ovalue
129 1 3 if $type ne $otype
142 2 19 unless $dr and $dr->community eq $$self{'community'}
144 4 15 $type eq "\243" ? :
152 0 0 if ($requestor = recv($socket, $request, 65536, 0)) { }
154 0 0 if $response
174 0 15 unless $listensocket
176 0 15 unless defined $pid
177 0 15 unless ($pid)