Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 14 24 58.3

line true false branch
42 2 34 unless (exists $$self{'_qt'})
53 0 2 unless ($self->qt)
84 2 0 unless ($self->info->picture_exists)
86 2 0 if (ref $picture and @{$picture;} and $$picture[0])
123 0 1 unless ($self->qt)
132 1 0 if ($self->options->{'write_m4a'}) { }
156 7 1 unless ($self->info->has_data($mtm) and $self->qt->$qtm eq $self->info->get_data($mtm))
163 0 1 unless ($self->info->has_data('tempo') and $$ginfo{'TMPO'} eq $self->info->get_data('tempo'))
169 0 1 unless ($self->info->has_data('encoder') and $$ginfo{'TOO'} eq $self->info->get_data('encoder'))
175 0 1 unless ($self->info->has_data('composer') and $$ginfo{'WRT'} eq $self->info->get_data('composer'))
181 1 0 unless ($self->info->has_data('lyrics') and $$ginfo{'LYRICS'} eq $self->info->get_data('lyrics'))
192 1 0 if ($changed)