Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 66 66 100.0

line true false branch
28 1 20 if (exists $args->{'key2pitch'} and exists $args->{'key_set'}) { }
4 16 elsif (exists $args->{'key2pitch'}) { }
15 1 elsif (exists $args->{'key_set'}) { }
35 3 1 unless defined $args->{'key2pitch'} and ref $args->{'key2pitch'} eq 'HASH' and keys %{$$args{'key2pitch'}}
39 2 12 unless defined $set and ref $set eq 'HASH' and keys %$set
47 2 9 unless defined $set->{'intervals'} and ref $set->{'intervals'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$set->{'intervals'}}
51 2 6 unless defined $set->{'keys'} and ref $set->{'keys'} eq 'ARRAY' and @{$set->{'keys'}}
53 2 4 unless defined $set->{'min'} and $set->{'min'} =~ /^(?a)-?\d+$/u
55 2 2 unless defined $set->{'max'} and $set->{'max'} =~ /^(?a)-?\d+$/u
57 1 1 if $set->{'min'} >= $set->{'max'}
67 1 14 if $pitch > $set->{'max'}
87 2 17 unless defined $sequence and ref $sequence eq 'ARRAY'
89 1 16 if @$sequence < 2
91 3 13 if (exists $param{'renew'}) { }
93 2 1 unless defined $param{'renew'} and ref $param{'renew'} eq 'CODE'
99 2 11 unless defined $key2pitch and ref $key2pitch eq 'HASH' and keys %$key2pitch
110 1 22 unless defined $s
111 8 14 if ($s =~ /^(?a)-?\d+$/u) { }
115 4 10 unless ref $choices eq 'ARRAY'
118 1 9 if $length == 0
119 1 8 if ($length == 1)
131 7 5 if ref $p eq 'ARRAY'
132 1 4 if $refcount == 0
135 1 7 unless @possible
139 13 6 if (ref $p eq 'ARRAY') { }
148 1 12 if ($i == -1) { }
9 3 elsif (ref $possible[$i] eq 'ARRAY') { }
153 3 6 if (++$possible[$i][0] >= @{$possible[$i][1]}) { }
162 1 6 if ($dirty)
164 1 2 if (ref $possible[$i] eq 'ARRAY' and $possible[$i][0] == -1)
183 3 4 if ($index == 0) { }
187 1 3 ref $previous eq 'ARRAY' ? :
208 2 12 if $s == 0