Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 18 24 75.0

line true false branch
35 1 7 if (my $types = delete $opts->{'types'})
36 0 1 if (ref $types eq 'ARRAY') { }
1 0 elsif (ref $types eq 'SCALAR') { }
44 0 8 if (my $classes = delete $opts->{'classes'})
50 0 8 if (my $types = delete $opts->{'type'})
56 8 0 unless (exists $$opts{-'nostdtypes'})
60 2 6 if (exists $$opts{-'autoclass'})
79 2 6 if (exists $$opts{-'trycatch'})
82 6 3 if ($options->{'autoclass'} and $typedef =~ /^\w+(::\w+)+$/) { }
83 4 2 if ($typedef->can('caught')) { }
105 1 4 if ($options->{'autoclass'} and $typedef =~ /^\w+(::\w+)+$/) { }
112 0 5 if (my $e = $@) { }