Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 36 44 81.8

line true false branch
142 52 73 if ($self->num_workers >= $self->max_workers)
143 52 0 if ($args->{'enqueue'}) { }
153 6 67 if (&blessed($job) and $job->isa('MooseX::Workers::Job')) { }
162 13 60 if $self->stdout_filter
163 2 71 if $self->stderr_filter
165 72 1 unless ref $args eq 'ARRAY'
180 6 67 if (&blessed($job) and $job->isa('MooseX::Workers::Job'))
184 2 4 if ($job->timeout)
196 1 0 if $self->visitor->can('worker_timeout')
203 14 1 if $self->visitor->can('worker_manager_start')
214 1 1 if uc $sig eq 'CHLD' or uc $sig eq 'CHILD'
223 14 1 if $self->visitor->can('worker_manager_stop')
230 1 72 if $self->visitor->can('sig_child')
246 72 0 if $self->visitor->can('worker_stdout')
254 70 0 if $self->visitor->can('worker_stderr')
260 146 0 if $_[10] eq 'read' and $_[11] == 0
263 0 0 if $self->visitor->can('worker_error')
270 2 71 if $heap->{'wheel_to_timer'}{$wheel_id}
271 72 1 if ($self->visitor->can('worker_done'))
272 5 67 if ($job) { }
300 73 0 if ($self->visitor->can('worker_started'))
301 6 67 if ($job) { }