Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 33 44 75.0

line true false branch
47 38 40 unless exists $options{'check_version'}
48 38 40 unless exists $options{'check_authority'}
64 137 210 unless $attr->has_value($self->object)
70 140 192 unless exists $$data{$attr->name}
85 74 276 if ref $value
88 190 158 if (defined $value and $attr->has_type_constraint)
90 0 190 unless defined $type_converter
102 67 125 if (ref $value and not $options->{'disable_cycle_check'} || $self->class->does('MooseX::Storage::Traits::DisableCycleDetection'))
109 178 13 if (defined $value and $attr->has_type_constraint)
121 3 134 if exists $self->seen->{&refaddr($value)}
130 0 0 if exists $self->seen->{&refaddr($value)}
145 88 78 $self->_has_object ? :
283 0 2 unless exists $handlers{'expand'} and exists $handlers{'collapse'}
289 0 0 if exists $TYPES{$type_name}
299 326 76 if exists $TYPES{$type_constraint->name}
303 76 0 if (my $parent = $type_constraint->parent)
304 30 46 if $parent eq 'Maybe' and not $parent->can('type_parameter')
308 0 46 if ($parent->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Parameterized'))
310 0 0 if $parameter eq 'Maybe' and not $parameter->can('type_parameter')
318 4 42 if ($type_constraint->can('find_type_for'))
320 4 0 if defined $tc
330 42 166 if $type_constraint->is_subtype_of($type)