Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 16 21 76.1

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
88 179 9 233 defined $value and $attr->has_type_constraint
102 135 2 76 ref $value and not $options->{'disable_cycle_check'} || $self->class->does('MooseX::Storage::Traits::DisableCycleDetection')
109 11 2 199 defined $value and $attr->has_type_constraint
298 0 2 0 exists $handlers{'expand'} and exists $handlers{'collapse'}
314 0 436 30 $type_constraint->parent and $type_constraint->parent eq 'Maybe'
436 0 30 $type_constraint->parent and $type_constraint->parent eq 'Maybe' and not $type_constraint->parent->can('type_parameter')

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
102 0 2 76 $options->{'disable_cycle_check'} || $self->class->does('MooseX::Storage::Traits::DisableCycleDetection')