Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 56 66 84.8

line true false branch
39 44 19 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
40 0 44 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'HASH'
47 3 16 delete $spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
54 16 3 if $should_cache
59 4 59 if blessed($$args[0])
64 1 62 @$args == 1 && ref $$args[0] && reftype($$args[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
66 5 136 if $spec{$_}{'coerce'}
76 4 27 defined $instance ? :
91 28 8 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
92 0 28 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'ARRAY'
100 0 8 delete $spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
109 8 0 if $should_cache
114 3 33 if blessed($$args[0])
119 1 35 @$args == 1 && ref $$args[0] && reftype($$args[0]) eq 'HASH' ? :
121 5 81 if $spec{$_}{'coerce'}
132 3 11 defined $instance ? :
152 31 3 if (exists $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key}) { }
153 0 31 unless ref $CACHED_SPECS{$cache_key} eq 'ARRAY'
160 0 3 exists $extra{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_NO_CACHE'} ? :
169 3 0 if $should_cache
175 66 0 if $pv_spec[$_]
191 5 128 if (exists $$spec{'MX_PARAMS_VALIDATE_CACHE_KEY'}) { }
205 26 31 if exists $$spec{'optional'}
208 3 54 if exists $$spec{'default'}
211 15 42 if exists $$spec{'coerce'}
214 2 55 if exists $$spec{'depends'}
218 50 7 if (defined $$spec{'isa'}) { }
7 0 elsif (defined $$spec{'does'}) { }
231 1 56 if exists $$spec{'callbacks'}
234 57 0 if ($constraint)
238 121 68 if $constraint->check($_[0])
252 47 10 unless $pv_spec{'constraint'} and $pv_spec{'constraint'}->has_coercion
261 7 50 if defined $maybe_tc and blessed $maybe_tc and $maybe_tc->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint')