Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 22 34 64.7

line true false branch
24 1 491 if (&blessed($type_or_name) and $type_or_name->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union'))
27 1 0 if 'MooseX::Getopt::OptionTypeMap'->has_option_type($union_type)
33 491 0 &blessed($type_or_name) ? :
489 2 if exists $option_type_map{&blessed($type_or_name) ? $type_or_name->name : $type_or_name}
35 2 0 &blessed($type_or_name) ? :
37 0 2 unless defined $current
41 2 0 if exists $option_type_map{$parent->name}
51 1 491 if (&blessed($type_or_name) and $type_or_name->isa('Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint::Union'))
55 1 0 if defined $option_type
61 491 0 &blessed($type_or_name) ? :
63 489 2 if exists $option_type_map{$name}
65 2 0 ref $type_or_name ? :
67 0 2 unless defined $current
72 2 0 if exists $option_type_map{$current->name}
80 0 29 unless defined $type_name and defined $option_string
83 24 5 if (&blessed($type_name)) { }
86 0 5 unless find_type_constraint($type_name)