Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 37 38 97.3

line true false branch
19 13044 0 $self->can('find_method_by_name') ? :
22 105 12939 if $existing_method and $existing_method->isa($self->_meta_method_class)
37 1 29250 unless $args{'body'} and "CODE" eq &reftype($args{'body'})
48 3 179166 unless defined $method_name and length $method_name
54 170324 8840 if (&blessed($method) and $method->isa('Class::MOP::Method')) { }
56 18407 151917 if ($method->package_name ne $package_name)
75 129397 49767 unless defined $current_name and not $current_name =~ /^__ANON__/
96 4 25679 unless defined $method_name and length $method_name
100 24240 1439 unless $method
108 3 269514 unless defined $method_name and length $method_name
112 188161 81353 unless $method
114 52103 29250 if &blessed($method) and $method->isa("Class::MOP::Method")
127 53557 241636 if defined $map_entry
131 212401 29235 unless $code and $self->_code_is_mine($code)
139 3 81 unless defined $method_name and length $method_name
146 80 1 if &blessed($removed_method) and $removed_method->isa("Class::MOP::Method")
183 8 156 if ($debugger_enabled)
194 8 153 if ($debugger_enabled and $debug_method_info)
217 3424 4486 if (($self->{'_package_cache_flag_full'} || -1) != $pkg_gen)