Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 45 54 83.3

line true false branch
25 535 0 if &blessed($role)
26 21 514 exists $self->role_params->{$role}{'-excludes'} ? :
28 21 514 if ($self->role_params->{$role} and defined $self->role_params->{$role}{$excludes_key})
29 6 15 if (ref $self->role_params->{$role}{$excludes_key} eq "ARRAY")
39 535 307 if &blessed($role)
40 11 831 exists $self->role_params->{$role}{'-alias'} ? :
42 11 831 if ($self->role_params->{$role} and defined $self->role_params->{$role}{$alias_key})
51 0 0 if $_ eq $method_name
58 0 0 exists $self->get_method_aliases_for_role($role->name)->{$method_name} ? :
64 0 307 exists $aliased_names{$method_name} ? :
81 5 6 unless $role->does_role($excluded)
105 29 307 if $role->has_method($required) or $self->is_aliased_method($role, $required)
132 8 212 if (exists $seen{$name})
133 2 6 if $seen{$name}->is_same_as($attr)
161 29 1892 exists $excludes{$_} ? :
182 3 1901 if $conflicts{$method->{'name'}}
185 265 1636 if ($seen)
186 135 130 if ($seen->{'method'}->body != $method->{'method'}->body)
221 3 251 if ($c->has_method($override->{'name'}))
227 47 204 if (exists $seen{$override->{'name'}})
228 4 43 if ($seen{$override->{'name'}} != $override->{'method'})
263 239 10 unless @overloaded_roles
273 2 10 if (&all(sub {
274 0 2 if $fallback{$role_name} eq $fallback{$other_role_name}
283 10 0 if &all(sub {
293 8 0 if (keys %fallback)
308 4 4 if (@roles > 1 and not &all(sub {