Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 73 90 81.1

line true false branch
111 21 631 exists $self->$attr_reader->{$name} ? :
173 1332 0 if @args % 2
187 17 2 &blessed($pkg) ? :
190 19 0 if ($meta)
207 19 0 if not exists $options{'weaken'} and &blessed($meta) and $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Role")
218 19 0 if $meta and $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Role")
238 1 732 if (&blessed($_[0]) and not $_[0]->isa('Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute')) { }
2 732 elsif (not &blessed($_[0]) and defined $_[0] and $_[0] =~ /^\+(.*)/) { }
264 185 392 unless (&blessed($method))
277 0 135 if (@_ == 1 and &blessed($_[0])) { }
314 2318 3 $mm ? :
322 10 1 exists $self->$attr_reader->{$method_name} ? :
329 1599 17 unless exists $self->$attr_reader->{$method_name}
338 15 2 if $modifier == $method
363 2 1451 if $self->has_method($method_name)
375 8 1043 exists $self->get_override_method_modifiers_map->{$method_name} ? :
404 1 500 unless &blessed($role) and $role->isa("Moose::Meta::Role")
424 1 771 unless defined $role
426 24 747 &blessed($role) ? :
428 386 385 if $role_name eq $self->name
431 162 109 if $role->does_role($role_name)
445 1 1654 unless &blessed($other)
451 505 1149 if ($other->isa('Moose::Meta::Role')) { }
1126 23 elsif ($other->isa('Moose::Meta::Class')) { }
463 13 1641 if (exists $args{'-excludes'})
468 7 6 ref $args{'-excludes'} eq 'ARRAY' ? :
485 513 6 &blessed($role) ? :
493 490 29 unless defined $params
510 16 0 if @args % 2 == 1
517 3 13 if exists $options{'attributes'}
523 8 7 if exists $options{'methods'}
529 2 12 if exists $options{'roles'}
537 0 13 exists $options{'meta_name'} ? :
541 13 0 if defined $meta_name
544 2 11 if (defined $attributes)
548 0 2 &blessed($attr) ? :
552 7 6 if (defined $methods)
558 1 12 if ($roles)
569 3 222 if $meta->name eq $self->name
570 201 21 unless $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Class") or $meta->isa("Moose::Meta::Role")
572 8 13 if $meta->does_role($self->name)
599 0 0 &blessed($role) ? :
601 0 0 if ($params and %$params)
608 0 0 unless ref $excludes eq "ARRAY"
610 0 0 if (%$params)