Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 10 14 71.4

line true false branch
52 3 727 unless defined $name
70 1 728 unless &blessed($role) and $role->isa("Moose::Meta::Role")
115 0 8 unless join("|", sort(keys %{$self_options;})) eq join("|", sort(keys %{$other_options;}))
118 0 13 if defined $self_options->{$key} and not defined $other_options->{$key}
119 0 13 if not defined $self_options->{$key} and defined $other_options->{$key}
121 0 13 if &all(sub {
123 6 7 unless $self_options->{$key} eq $other_options->{$key}