Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 27 28 96.4

line true false branch
20 1 506 if ($role2->excludes_role($role1->name))
26 1 1 if ($role2->does_role($excluded_role_name))
41 3 638 if $self->is_aliased_method($required_method_name)
43 144 494 unless $role2->find_method_by_name($required_method_name)
56 2 85 if ($role2->has_attribute($attribute_name) and $role2->get_attribute($attribute_name) != $role1->get_attribute($attribute_name)) { }
81 426 6776 if $method->isa("Class::MOP::Method::Meta")
83 6767 9 unless ($self->is_method_excluded($method_name))
86 726 6041 if ($role2_method and $role2_method->body != $method->body) { }
101 6765 11 unless $self->is_method_aliased($method_name)
107 2 9 if ($role2_method and $role2_method->body != $method->body)
122 2 7 unless ($role2->has_method($method_name))
123 0 2 unless $self->is_method_excluded($method_name)
133 2 1046 if ($role2->has_method($method_name)) { }
147 2 1044 if ($role2->has_override_method_modifier($method_name) and $role1->get_override_method_modifier($method_name) != $role2->get_override_method_modifier($method_name)) { }