Condition Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
condition 5 34 14.7

and 2 conditions

line l !l condition
133 0 0 $previous and $previous eq $key and die "$key target - $value->{'target'} does not exist in the spec"
138 0 0 unshift @configs, {$key, $value} and next
189 0 0 XXX and return $$val{$_[1]}
0 0 XXX and return map({$config->{$_} = $_[1]{$_};} keys %{$_[1];})

and 3 conditions

line !l l&&!r l&&r condition
82 13 0 0 $self->can('config') && $self->config
133 0 0 0 $previous and $previous eq $key
141 0 0 0 $target eq 'base_element' and unshift @configs, {$key, $value}
185 0 0 0 XXX and not XXX
189 0 0 0 XXX and (XXX and return map({$config->{$_} = $_[1]{$_};} keys %{$_[1];}))

or 2 conditions

line l !l condition
26 0 13 $build_args->{'config'} // {}
61 0 0 $base_element_args->{'template_args'} // {}
82 0 13 $self->can('config') && $self->config // {}
105 0 0 $value->{'action'} // 'add_child'

or 3 conditions

line l !l&&r !l&&!r condition
29 1 0 12 $build_args->{'base_element'} // delete $config->{'base_element'}