Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 11 52 21.1

line true false branch
31 13 0 if (defined $config)
35 1 12 unless $self->can('build_html')
37 7 5 if (XXX)
52 7 11 if ($self->can('base_element'))
56 13 5 if (XXX)
61 0 13 defined $base_element_args->{'template'} ? :
96 0 0 $value->{'build'} ? :
98 0 0 if (XXX)
99 0 0 if (defined $value->{'target'})
104 0 0 $value->{'target'} eq 'base_element' ? :
130 0 0 unless grep {defined $value->{$_};} 'action', 'target', 'template', 'tag', 'build'
133 0 0 unless $previous and $previous eq $key and die "$key target - $value->{'target'} does not exist in the spec"
138 0 0 unless my $target = $value->{'target'}
141 0 0 if $target eq 'base_element' and unshift @configs, {$key, $value}
146 0 0 if (my $config_count = scalar @configs)
148 0 0 if (my $target_found = $configs[$index]{$target})
155 0 0 unless ($success)
172 0 0 unless defined $val
173 0 0 if XXX
175 0 0 unless $a <=> $b
176 0 0 if XXX
183 0 0 unless defined $_[1]
185 0 0 if XXX and not XXX
189 0 0 unless XXX and (XXX and return map({$config->{$_} = $_[1]{$_};} keys %{$_[1];}))
190 0 0 if $config->{$key} = $_[1]
200 0 12 $_[1]{'base_element'} ? :