Branch Coverage

Criterion Covered Total %
branch 32 44 72.7

line true false branch
34 192 3 if $target->can($needed_methods)
47 58 5 if (@target_isa) { }
67 1 57 if $@
79 0 5 if ($options_config->{'with_config_from_file'})
87 0 62 if ($options_config->{'with_config_from_file'})
101 44 63 if $target->can('new_with_options')
103 0 63 if ($options_config->{'with_config_from_file'})
106 0 63 if ($options_config->{'with_locale_textdomain_oo'})
109 0 0 unless 'MooX::Options::Descriptive::Usage'->can('localizer')
124 0 62 if ($options_config->{'with_config_from_file'})
131 9 515 if $name eq $ban
137 46 1 if %_moo_attrs
148 5 57 if (my $info = $Role::Tiny::INFO{$target})
169 39 8 unless defined $options{'doc'}
170 41 6 unless defined $options{'order'}
172 0 47 if ($options{'json'} or defined $options{'format'} and $options{'format'} eq 'json')
184 0 47 if ($options{'autorange'} and not defined $options{'autosplit'})
188 0 0 if eval { do { &use_module('Data::Record'); &use_module('Regexp::Common') } }
192 1 46 if exists $options{'negativable'}
198 3 44 if $cmdline_options{'autosplit'} or $cmdline_options{'autorange'}
202 0 3 if $cmdline_options{'repeatable'} and defined $cmdline_options{'format'} and substr($cmdline_options{'format'}, -1) ne '@'
208 2 45 if $cmdline_options{'negatable'} and defined $cmdline_options{'format'}